RSF CRUD Tool Exercise
RSF CRUD Tool Exercise
The RSF CRUD tool is generated by the Sakai App Builder and provides a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) tool in RSF to get developers started writing Sakai apps quickly.
The CRUD tool
- Consists of 2 screens (main and add/edit)
- Allows a user to create items which are shared or private
- Uses Sakai Authz permissions to control access to items
- Uses the recommended Sakai application (tool) structure
Add a page (part 1)
- Summary page (shows statistics on the total entries, admin only)
- Add additional page which is accessible from the list page
- add new template
- add new producer
- add producer to requestContext
- modify list template
- modify list producer
- test at this point
Add a page (part 2)
- make this actually work
- modify logic api
- modify logic test
- modify logic impl
- update the summary producer (don't use security by obscurity)
- update list producer
Add a permission
- New permission (view summary page)
- Update the logic api
- update the logic test
- Update the logic impl
Add a field to the data model
- Description
- textarea
- text in hbm file
- update the model class file
- show hibernate tools?
- update the logic test
- update the dao test
- update dao preload
- update the AddItem template
- update the AddItem producer
- update the backing bean
- check with antranig about overriding the "null return" in RSF
Use announcement service
- Create announcement when new visible items are added
- use this code
String channelRef = announcementService.channelReference(siteId, SiteService.MAIN_CONTAINER); try { AnnouncementChannel ac = announcementService.getAnnouncementChannel(channelRef); ac.addAnnouncementMessage("New Item", false, null, "A new item was added called: title"); } catch (IdUnusedException e1) { log.error("failure adding message: ref=" + channelRef,e1); } catch (PermissionException e1) { log.error("failure adding message: ref=" + channelRef,e1); }
- use this code
- Update the logic api
- update the logic test
- Update the logic impl
- Update the backing bean
Advanced exercise (if extra time)
- Notes page (allows user to store or remove notes with any item)
- update the item HBM (add collection, non-lazy)
- update add item template
- update add item producer
- update the backing bean
, multiple selections available,