Sakai application (tool) structure


This details the recommended structure for Sakai 2.4+ applications (or tools). (powerpoint)
This is the new simplified structure which makes maven2 easier to work with

Application structure

  • Basic tool structure
    tool -> logic-api -> logic-impl -> dao-api -> dao-impl
  • Model connection
    model -> logic-api, dao-api, etc...
  • Optional service connection
    public-api -> logic-api

NOTE: Ideally the DAO api would not be in shared but the current component model does not allow for this

File Structure

  • app-name
    • api - project with all interfaces, model objects, and hibernate hbm files
      Deploy as a jar to shared [ no dependencies ]
      (optional) eclipse .project here (name the project <app-name>-api)
      • src - includes interfaces, model objects, and hbm files
      • test - (optional) may include shared test data and mock objects which help other with tests
    • impl - project at this level
      Deploy as a jar, include in pack [api]
      (optional) eclipse .project here (name the project <app-name>-impl)
      • src - includes java source for all implementations of apis
      • test - includes all unit and integration tests
    • pack - project for components stuff needed by Sakai (should just a set of spring config files)
      Deploy to components [impl (all in war bundle)]
    • tool - project for the tool (interface to the user)
      Deploy as a war [api]
      (optional) eclipse .project here (name the project <app-name>-tool)
      • src - java src directory
        • java - any java code used for the tool only
        • webapp
          • app-name - JSF jsp files here
          • css
          • images
          • templates - RSF html templates
          • tools - Sakai tool.xml files goes in here
          • WEB-INF - lots of xml config files here (web.xml, applicationContext.xml, etc...

project.xml hints listed below each directory in italics, dependencies are in []
Note: Applications can also just use one eclipse project for the entire application.

Java structure (packages)

    • dao
      all dao api classes
      • impl
        all dao implementation classes
    • hbm
      hibernate mapping files only
    • logic
      all business logic api classes
      • impl
        all business logic implementation classes
    • model
      all value object POJOs
    • service (cannot use public)
      all publically accessible api classes related to the app
    • tool
      all java classes related to the tool (backing beans)
      • jsf, producers, params
        presentation specific classes related to the tool

Note: You may have your own package base instead of org.sakaiproject


  • project - a maven project (should have it's own project.xml file)
  • app or webapp - the entire application including the tool, apis, impls, etc...
  • tool - The part a Sakai user interacts with
  • public-api - The api you would make accessible to other programmers (sometimes known as service)
  • logic - business logic or application logic (might be the same as the service)
  • model - The value objects or the POJOs that store the data for your app
  • dao - The data access layer of your app (a.k.a. data access object), talks to a persistent storage mechanism
  • (optional) - May not be needed depending on your tool structure

  File Modified

Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Sakai-app-structure-diagram.ppt PPT version of the diagram

Sept 24, 2006 by Former user

GIF File sakai-app-structure-diagram.gif GIF version

Sept 24, 2006 by Former user

Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow SakaiAppStructure.ppt Updated to new simple structure

Aug 25, 2007 by Former user