Paris France


The cafe bootcamps are intensive day long workshops (sometimes split into multiple parts) consisting of presentations and exercises designed to help developers get up to speed developing tools/apps for the Sakai framework. The bootcamps are also intended as a way to present new development technologies and best practices and techniques to developers who are experienced in Java and Sakai development.

Date: Monday June 30th, 2008
Time: 9AM-12PM & 1:30PM-5PM

In addition to developer/programmer specific sessions, there will be joint sessions during the bootcamp for UI designers and developers.

We are trying to ensure that we can provide a good training experience for developers in Sakai at the conference so feel free to offer comments and suggestions.

Please comment on this page and explain what would be beneficial to you or to new developers (what do you wish someone would have told you) or just offer comments and opinions. If you like some ideas, please say so, positive feedback is good for us to hear.


  • Prerequisites - required setup for participant computers to make the sessions as productive as possible. If you're having trouble, contact the sakai dev list for help.
  • Please let me know via email ( if you have any questions or are planning to attend.



The cafe will split into morning and afternoon sessions.

Morning Sessions

The first half of the day will be split into 2 sessions:

INTRO (9:00 to noon)

This session will be for those who are new or relatively new developers in Sakai. We will focus on presenting information about where to get help and where to find docs. We will go through some technical presentations, best practices, and some simple coding exercises.

The cafe bootcamps are intensive day long workshops consisting of presentations and exercises designed to help developers get up to speed developing tools/apps for the Sakai framework. The bootcamps are also intended as a way to present new development technologies and best practices and techniques to developers who are experienced in Java and Sakai development. There is a joint session at the end of the bootcamp for UI designers and developers.

Integration (9:00 to noon)

This session will be for developers who are trying to integrate their institutional services with Sakai. This will focus on things like authentication providers, course loading (push methods and course management pull methods) and drop in integration using things like the link tool. This will mostly be code demonstrations and simple code exercises.

Integration Topics





9:00 - 9:15

Introductions & Overview


Jason S.

9:15 - 9:45


UserDirectoryProviders allow for authentication and retrieval of personal information (email, name, etc.). High-level overview, followed by case-studies from various implementors.

Mark N., Ray, Seth T., Dan M.

9:45 - 10:15


Overview of creating providers to provide group information within sakai.

Mark N.

10:15 - 10:25


Pause, and more Power Strips being added to the room


10:25 - 10:55


An overview of the CourseManagementService APIs for integration with course membership and relationship values


10:55 - 11:15


An alternative approach to direct integration which involves pushing data from an external system to be stored and maintained with Sakai, and possibly some synchronization of updates.

Mike O.

11:15 - 11:45


Webservices allow programmatic access to functionality within Sakai. They may be used to retrieve information, perform integration, or other tasks.

Steve Githens

11:45 - 12:00


Linktool was written to provide lightweight integration with external services, and leverages some of the Sakai webservices

Former user (Deleted)

Lunch (12:00-1:30PM) - A box lunch will provided for all attendees


Design & Development Session (1:30 to 4:30)

The second half of the day (1:30 to 4:30) will be an exercise where both groups come together and write a simple tool based on designs presented to us by the designers in the Ucamp. This is meant to give us a chance to work with designers and bring designers and developers together. We might split up into development teams or we may work on this together with people swapping out keyboard control. We may even break up into functional groups and work on the code in parallel. This is primarily a community and teamwork exercise and is meant to give developers a sense of working in a larger team of strangers. I hope it will also demonstrate an agile development cycle and team programming.

Joint CAFE/FLUID Session (4:30 to 5:00)

At the end of the day we will meet with the U-camp and there will be a joint session where the developers present what we have come up with and close out the agile cycle. There will probably also be a presentation for developers and designers and we will encourage people to make connections and talk about areas of interest.

  • Please post comments with any feedback or ideas you have. I am hoping to especially get feedback from anyone who has tried this kind of thing before and also for those planning to attend.