Install Java 1.5+

  1. To check: Run java -version on the command line
  2. If not correct, download the J2SE SDK from:
  3. Install it (the SDK) to /opt/java
    • Note: Install the JRE to a different directory (probably the default, especially under windows) or you will have problems
  4. Set environment variable: JAVA_HOME=/opt/java
    • Mac users: JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
    • Windows users default: JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdkXXX (where "XXX" is the version - for example "j2sdk1.5.0_11")
  5. Add $JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH
  6. Set JAVA_OPTS for tomcat in the tomcat/bin/setenv file (see Install Tomcat 5.5)
    JAVA_OPTS='-server -Xmx964m -XX:MaxPermSize=172m -Djava.awt.headless=true'