Using Apache Wicket (Wicket)
This page contains tutorials and tips for using Apache Wicket (Wicket) in Sakai.
- - Apache Wicket homepage
- A quick tour of Wicket
- Wicket reference documentation
- Wicket component examples
Wicket information
With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.
Wicket tutorials
You can generate a fully functioning Sakai app that uses Wicket via the Sakai Wicket Maven Archetype. One command and you are up and running. The Sakai AppBuilder also has Wicket support but it is rather dated. You can also use this quickstart to generate the Maven command to run to generate a sample Wicket application, for learning how to use the components without requiring it to be run up in Sakai first.
If you are using Wicket 1.5 or higher then please review the notes on Wicket 1.5+ in Sakai CLE
Wicket sample code
See the tool list below for examples of tools using Wicket and some real world sample code. There are some minor deviations from the standard Wicket web.xml required for a webapp to work in Sakai, Profile2 has a documented example of the requirements.
Wicket based Sakai tools
Profile2 -
SiteStats -
Blog2 -
SCORM player -
News Feeds -