OSP 2.7 Test Suites
System & Regression Test Cases
QA Testers should use the OSP Test Scripts as the source for formal QA testing of the OSP 2.7 tools, and fill out the following grid with status. It's equally important to document testing done where no issues have been found, as it is to document testing that uncovered problems.
Script name or Area Tested |
Tester Name & Email Address |
Sakai Version Tested |
JIRA reports (or not)? |
ST.Script.01.Access OSP |
Christian Aziz, caziz@rutgers.edu |
2.7.0-M2 |
N/A |
ST.Script.02.Verify access to Jira |
Christian Aziz, caziz@rutgers.edu |
2.7.0-M2 |
N/A |
ST.Script.01.Add Test Users |
Christian Aziz, caziz@rutgers.edu |
2.7.0-M2 |
N/A |
ST.Script.02.Add Sites |
Christian Aziz, caziz@rutgers.edu |
2.7.0-M2 |
N/A |
ST.Script.03.Add Maintainers |
Christian Aziz, caziz@rutgers.edu |
2.7.0-M2 |
N/A |
(Add more rows as necessary)
Scripts for testing IU Enhancements
Test Scripts
Note: These scripts assume significant prior knowledge of the core functions of each tool. Detailed step by step instructions are not provided.
Instructions: Replace "Tester Name" in the column header with your name. When you have successfully completed the actions in the test script, place a in the appropriate column. A collection of sample files is available here.
Replace "Tester Name" in the column header with your name. When you have successfully completed the action under multiple conditions, put an in the appropriate cell below. If you are unable to complete the action due to a bug, create a Jira and then add a
to the cell as well the Jira ID.
Authoring Matrices: Coordinators
Note: Be sure to check the effect of the actions below on users in other roles.
Actions |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Release |
Comments |
Add a matrix |
Sean on QA3 |
Import a matrix |
Sean on QA3 |
Manage Site Associations (makes it possible to link assignments, |
Lynn on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Lynn on QA3 |
SAK-17839: Cannot open published wizard. Able to create link as coordinator, but could not open wizard to view link in various roles. |
Verify appropriate permissions for each role and that permissions are working properly |
Lynn on QA 3 |
SAK-17850: General Feedback link unavailable until item specific feedback is added (not really a perms issue) |
Export a matrix |
Sean on QA3 |
Import the exported matrix |
Sean on QA3 |
Import matrices created in generic Sakai 2.5 and 2.6. |
Sean on QA3 |
Delete a matrix |
Sean on QA3 |
Edit Matrix Properties |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Edit Cell |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Preview a matrix and add test data |
Sean on QA |
SAK-17595 filed, verified, and closed. |
Publish a matrix and verify that test data is deleted |
Sean on QA3 |
Edit Cell (these steps only available after current site has been |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Sean on QA3 |
Change the status of a cell with the Manage Status link and verify appropriate color and access. |
Sean on QA3 |
Change the status of a cell for a specific group and verify that it has the desired affect on the cell for all group members |
Sean on QA3 |
Change the status of a cell for the entire site and verify that it has the desired affect on the cell for all site members |
Sean on QA3 |
Turn each matrix permission on and off and verify that it has the described affect on your abilities. |
Lynn on QA3 |
Using Matrices: Participants
Actions |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Release |
Comments |
Working with Forms |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Working with Attachments |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Working with Reflections |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Request Feedback (verify that button does not appear if no |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Submit for Evaluation |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that cells have the appropriate status |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you cannot edit pending and locked cells |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that the appropriate icons appear in cells with content |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you receive a notification when new feedback is added |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can read feedback added by a reviewer |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you receive a notification when a new evaluation is added |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can read evaluations added by an evaluator (unless "hide evaluations from |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that work submitted via a "goal aware" tool linked to a cell shows up in the cell. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Turn each matrix permission on and off and verify that it has the described affect on your abilities. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Working with Matrices: Reviewers
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Release |
Comments |
Open a published matrix |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Inspect the dropdown user list; you should only see members of your own group unless you |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Try to open a cell in which you are not a reviewer or evaluator; you should not be able to open. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Open cell in which you've been defined as a reviewer. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
SAK-17850: General Feedback link unavailable until item specific feedback is added (not really a perms issue) |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can read feedback you created and that the data is properly formatted. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Try to read feedback created by other reviewers (try with and without the "Can view feedback created by another user" permission) |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you receive email notification when a participant submits cell for review. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you receive an email when participant invites feedback. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that cells contain no feedback-related labels or widgets when |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can see and open content submitted via a "goal-aware" tool |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Turn each matrix permission on and off and verify that it has the described affect on your abilities. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Working with Matrices: Evaluators
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Release |
Comments |
Open a published matrix |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Inspect the dropdown user list; you should only see members of your own group |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Try to open a cell in which you are not a reviewer or evaluator; you should not be able to open. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Open cell in which you've been defined as an evaluator: |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you receive an email notification when a cell is submitted for which you are an evaluator. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can read evaluations you created and that the data is properly formatted. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can edit your own previously saved evaluations. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can remove your own previously saved evaluations. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Try to read evalations created by other evaluators (try with and without the "Can view |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that cells contain no evaluation-related labels or widgets when |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can see and open content submitted via a "goal-aware" tool. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Turn each matrix permission on and off and verify that it has the described affect on your abilities. |
Lynn on QA3 |
2.7.0-b01 |
Replace "Tester Name" in the column header with your name. When you have successfully completed the action under multiple conditions, put an in the appropriate cell below. If you are unable to complete the action due to a bug, create a Jira and then add a
to the cell as well the Jira ID.
Using Evaluations: Coordinators
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Open the evaluations tool. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that the Use permission enables the designated |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that the name of matrix owners do not display if evaluator does not |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Using Evaluations: Evaluators
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Open the evaluations tool. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
Verify that you can see and open matrix cells and wizard pages for |
Verify that you cannot see matrix cells and wizard pages for which |
Verify that you can only see owners who are in the same group you are if you do not have the |
Verify that you can see and filter on groups if you have the "view all groups" permission in matrices or are a member of |
Open and evaluate pending items. |
Enable the Evaluations tool in My Workspace |
Replace "Tester Name" in the column header with your name. When you have successfully completed the action under multiple conditions, put an in the appropriate cell below. If you are unable to complete the action due to a bug, create a Jira and then add a
to the cell as well the Jira ID.
Working with Assignments: Instructors
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Add instructor to portfolio site if s/he is not already in the site |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Ensure that the course site is associated with Matrices in one or more portfolio site |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
In the course site, open assignments |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Add and post new assignment (try this with different parameters each time) |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Once the assignment is saved, use the Create/Edit Matrix Links link in the |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
yes, in student view. It's supposed to display in "view assignment"view for instructor, but SAK-17733 prevents this read-only view from displaying |
Attempt to modify and delete links before students make submissions. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Attempt to modify and delete links after students make submissions. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Return assignment to student and allow resubmission. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Delete linked assignments without submissions. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
SAK-17854: Incorrect submission count when deleting assignments |
Delete linked assignments with submissions. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
SAK-17854:Incorrect submission count when deleting assignments |
Working with Assignments: Students
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Add student to associated portfolio site if not already a |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that the Create/Edit Matrix Links is not visible in |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Open an assignment that has been linked to cells in one |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that information about the links is displayed |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Upload or enter data and Save Draft. Verify that |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Submit assignment (try inline, attachment, both) |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Open matrices and view cells containing submitted |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that assignment shows up in linked cells. For |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
SAK-17853: Unsubmitted linked assignments display in matrix if instructor clicks "grade" or "view submissions" link in Assignments |
Verify that you can open the assignment and see full |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Resubmit a returned assignment (that has been linked to |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Viewing Linked Assignments in Matrices: (For anyone who can see participant submissions)
Actions |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Verify that submitted assignments appear in linked cells. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that the assignment icon and link does not appear in |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
SAK-17853: Unsubmitted linked assignments display in matrix if instructor clicks "grade" or "view submissions" link in Assignments |
Verify that portfolio site members are not required to |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Open the assignment. |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you can see both the instructions and |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Verify that you have no unexpected permissions (if you |
Lynn on QA3-US |
2.7.0-b01 |
Replace "Tester Name" in the column header with your name. When you have successfully completed the action under multiple conditions, put an in the appropriate cell below. If you are unable to complete the action due to a bug, create a Jira and then add a
to the cell as well the Jira ID.
Authoring Wizards: Coordinators
Indiana University does not currently use Sequential (step-by-step) wizards. Please concentrate on Hierarchical (Outline) wizards
Actions |
Tester name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Add a Step-by-Step and Outline wizard |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Import a Step-by-Step and Outline wizard |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Bug report on import. SAK-18181 |
Verify appropriate permissions for each role and that permissions are working properly |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Export a Step-by-Step and Outline wizard |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Import 2.5 and a 2.6 Step-by-Step and Outline wizard |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Delete a Step-by-Step and Outline wizard |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Edit Wizard Properties |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Edit main wizard page |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Only the owner can see unpublished forms. No other coordinator has access |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Edit subpages |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Two cosmetic issues:
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Preview a Step-by-Step and Outline wizard and add test data |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Publish a Step-by-Step and Outline wizard and verify that test data is deleted |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Edit Page (these steps only available after current site has been |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Awaiting participant testing |
Test and verify all general and item feedback settings. |
Awaiting participant testing |
Change the status of a page for the current user (test all status settings) |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Change the status of a page for a specific group (test all status settings and verify that change affects |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Groups not appearing in drop down. |
Change the status of a page for entire site (test all status settings and verify that change affects |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Using Wizards: Participants
Actions |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Working with Forms |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b04 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Working with Attachments (Items) |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Working with Reflections |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Dates must be entered by hand. (Awaiting calendar check on another server before I put in a ticket) |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
No remove button is available. SAK-18346 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
awaiting verification of fail before I put in a ticket |
Submit for Evaluation |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Verify that pages have the appropriate status |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Verify that you cannot edit pending and locked pages |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Verify that you are notified via email when new feedback is added to he Wizard. |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Verify that you are notified via email when a new evaluation is added to he Wizard. |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Working with Wizards: Reviewers
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Open a published wizard |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Inspect the dropdown user list; you should only see members of your own group, unless you have unrestricted |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Open main page and subpage |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Verify that you can read feedback you created and that the data is properly formatted. |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Try to read feedback created by other reviewers |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Verify that pages don't contain feedback-related labels or widgets when |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Working with Wizards: Evaluators
Action |
Tester Name |
Sakai QA Version |
Comments |
Open a published Step-by-Step and Outline wizard |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Inspect the dropdown user list; you should only see members of your own group unless you have unrestricted |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Open wizard in which you've been defined as an evaluator: |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Previously listed as a fail, but was unable to duplicate student results; I have moved it to pass. |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Reflections from main wizard page appear under specific form page Comments section when an existing comment on that page is edited. SAKAI-18345 |
Verify that you can read evaluations you created and that the data is properly formatted. |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Try to read evaluations created by other evaluators |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Resulted in HTTP status 403 error; awaiting verification before I put in a ticket. |
Verify that pages don't contain evaluation-related labels or widgets when |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Verify that you receive email notifications when the wizard or page is submitted and you are a designated evaluator |
Brian on QA7 |
2.7.0-b06 |
Related Links
- QA Testers Wall
- /wiki/spaces/QA/pages/6854216878
- Test Conditions and Scripts
- OSP 2.7 Code Review
- Subversion repository for QA 2.7 Test Scripts: https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/qa/trunk/functional/2.7/
- Scripts for Testing IU Enhancements