- Sign up in the Testing Participation Sign-up Table
- Pick tools/components you want to test, determine the protocol(s) you'll use, and then sign-up under the appropriate protocol columns in the Tools/Components Sign-up Tables
- Attend the Accessibility Review Kick-off Teleconference Thursday, September 29th, 2pm EST [Optional, but recommended]
- Check the Tools/Components Sign-up Tables "Info" column for any special instructions and for a walkthrough script.
- If using a walkthrough script, please verify with Brian Richwine that the required content has been created.
- If test scripts do not exist, either create your own, explore the tool ad-hoc, or request assistance.
- If you create scripts, please add them to the wiki under the Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Walkthrough Scripts page. Please also update "Info" column in the Tools/Components Sign-up Tables
- Test according to your chosen protocol, record the results in the appropriate reporting template, rename the template as instructed, and then save the results by attaching it to the Sakai 2.9 Accessibility Review Results (2011) page.
- Attend the Accessibility Review Results Teleconference and discuss issue priorities and recommendations
- Accessibility Review Lead will summarize results, and group will discuss after review from WG post them to the wiki and announce them
- Accessibility Review Lead will issue Jira Tickets based on issues discovered and contact appropriate project leads
- Followup Jira Tickets
Component | Priority | Prior Testing | Firefox Comprehensive WCAG 2 Protocol | Walkthrough Functional Accessibility | Info |
Announcements | Medium | 2.4 JAWS, 2.4 WAVE/Firefox, | CFAP Student Results (Jiras entered) - Joe Humbert | JAWS Student Results - Joe Humbert / Mary Stores |
Assignments | High | 2.3 JAWS, | CFAP Student Results (Jiras entered) - Joe Humbert | JAWS Instructor Results Student Results (Jiras entered) - Joe Humbert / Mary Stores | Assignments Script - Student Persona |
Basic LTI | Medium | 2.8 Firefox |
Calendar Summary | Medium |
Chat Room | High | 2.1 JAWS, | Brian Richwine | Brian Richwine / Mary Stores | |
Drop Box | Medium | 2.2 WAVE/Firefox, | Brian Richwine |
Email Archive |
| 2.3 JAWS, 2.3 WAVE/Firefox |
Evaluations | Medium |
Forms | Medium |
Forums | High | 2.4 WAVE/Firefox, | Brian Richwine | Brian Richwine / Mary Stores | |
Glossary | Medium | 2.6 JAWS |
| |
Gradebook | High | 2.1 JAWS, | CFAP Instructor Results (Jiras entered) - Joe Humbert | JAWS Instructor Results (Jiras entered) - Joe Humbert / Mary Stores | |
Help | Medium | 2.3 JAWS, |
Home | Medium | 2.1 JAWS, |
Lesson Builder | High | - | Brian Richwine |
Link Tool | Medium | 2.4 WAVE/Firefox |
Mailsender (Email) | High | None | Brian Richwine |
Matrices |
Messages | High | 2.4 WAVE/Firefox, | Scott Williams |
News | High | 2.1 JAWS, |
Podcasts | High | 2.3 JAWS, 2.3 WAVE/Firefox |
Polls | Medium | 2.4 WAVE/Firefox, |
Portal | High | 2.8 Firefox, JAWS | Neoportal CFAP Results (Jiras entered) - Brian Richwine | JAWS Neoportal Results (Jiras entered) - Brian Richwine / Mary Stores | |
Portal Chat | High |
| JAWS/VO Neoportal Chat Results (Jiras entered) - Scott Williams | |
Portal Users Present | High | N/A - New rendering | Users Present CFAP Results (Jiras entered) - Brian Richwine | Need a new walkthrough script | |
OSP (Portfolios) |
| 2.6 JAWS |
Post 'Em | High | 2.3 JAWS, 2.3 WAVE/Firefox |
Presentations | Medium |
Reports |
Resources | High | 2.1 JAWS |
| |
Roster | High | 2.4 Wave/Firefox, |
Schedule | High | 2.3 JAWS, |
Search | High | 2.4 WAVE/Firefox |
Section Info | High | 2.4 WAVE/Firefox, |
Site Browser | High |
Site Info | High | 2.4 JAWS, 2.4 WAVE/Firefox |
Site Stats | High |
Styles |
Syllabus | High | 2.1 JAWS, |
| |
Tests & Quizzes (Samgio) | High | 2.8 JAWS, Firefox |
Web Content | Medium | 2.1 JAWS, |
Wiki | High | 2.3 JAWS, WAVE/Firefox, |
| |
Wizards | High |
CKEditor | High | 2.8 JAWS, Firefox |