- Contact Us: Unclear error notification text when attached media is larger than 10MBSAK-49076
- Contact Us: Multiple files cannot be uploaded after error is encountered.SAK-49075
- Dark Mode: Group names not readable when using ‘assign to’ option to assign to groups.SAK-49061
- Assignments: Released checkmark in dark themeSAK-47430Resolved issue: SAK-47430Sam Ottenhoff
- Create and use Avatar webcomponentSAK-46793Resolved issue: SAK-46793Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- Samigo: Export to Markup Text warning has issuesSAK-45718Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: More intelligent default for exportSAK-45472Resolved issue: SAK-45472Markus Stetschnig (EDF)
- Dark Mode: Sakai Banner changes from blue to blackSAK-45343
- Samigo: Usability: Pagination navigation is not very usable/accessible and inconsistent with other toolsSAK-45117Core Team
- T&Q: modify wording on the Upload button for file upload and fix focus loss issueSAK-44593Core Team
- Users Present icon missing from all tools when viewed in Full ScreenSAK-44488
- Compact Favorites into a drop-down menu instead of using so much screen real-estateSAK-44484
- Fix dark themeSAK-44348Resolved issue: SAK-44348Michael Greene
- Messages: Quick Search box is inconsistent with Search for text boxSAK-43995Resolved issue: SAK-43995Vicent Alfonso
- Usability/accessibility issues with feature to customize your site URL (alias)SAK-43938Adrian Fish
- Lessons: "Delete" button doesn't align with other buttons in style when adding questionsSAK-43919Resolved issue: SAK-43919Marcelino Rutea
- Long instructor comments doesn't display properly in student's grade reportSAK-43791Marcelino Rutea
- Sakai skin has reverted back to pre materialSAK-43458Resolved issue: SAK-43458Adrian Fish
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