- Error in MS Edge for online chat - Edge user does not see other usersSAK-41140Resolved issue: SAK-41140
- Review and reposition the location of Portal Chat and Users Present to not block the footerSAK-40793Resolved issue: SAK-40793Shawn Foster
- Add the ability to hide portal chat during assessmentsSAK-40251Core Team
- Too many users active in a site causes portal chat to fill up the screen and hide usersSAK-33333Resolved issue: SAK-33333Adrian Fish
- When new messages are received in portal chat, they aren't visible by defaultSAK-33332
- Portal Chat jGroups doesn't get correctly shutdownSAK-32718Resolved issue: SAK-32718Matthew Buckett
- Upgrade jGroups in Portal ChatSAK-32627Resolved issue: SAK-32627
- Enable JMX for jgroupsSAK-32267Resolved issue: SAK-32267Matthew Buckett
- portal chat is unusable on a mobileSAK-32192Adrian Fish
- Portal Chat NPE handleLatestDataSAK-32108Resolved issue: SAK-32108Sam Ottenhoff
- If have some chat messages from a connection and you remove the connection in the profile, there is a JS errorSAK-32010Resolved issue: SAK-32010Adrian Fish
- Convert portal chat to be a standard dialog widgetSAK-32009
- Portal Chat Videoconference has some CSS elements wrongSAK-31993Resolved issue: SAK-31993
- Portal Chat video conference not working with ChromeSAK-31992Resolved issue: SAK-31992Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén
- Clicking to hide Chat options leaves double chat boxSAK-30797
- Portal chat header colour contrast too lowSAK-30562Resolved issue: SAK-30562Molly Kelsey
- Replace icons to font awesome in portal chatSAK-29664Resolved issue: SAK-29664Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén
- Video Portal Chat fails in IE 11SAK-29586Resolved issue: SAK-29586Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén
- Portal Chat disappears when display size is smallSAK-29576Adrian Fish
- Portal chat panel header is rendered over the bar.SAK-29575Resolved issue: SAK-29575Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén
- Remote commons-lang3 from portal-chat webappSAK-29533Resolved issue: SAK-29533Adrian Fish
- Not able to send messages in portal chatSAK-29443Resolved issue: SAK-29443Adrian Fish
- Messages sometimes go to incorrect tabSAK-29399Resolved issue: SAK-29399Adrian Fish
- Cannot distinguish users in chatSAK-29317Resolved issue: SAK-29317Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén
- Remove portal chat backward compatibility with neoportalSAK-29252Resolved issue: SAK-29252
- Long names are not visible in portal chat users listSAK-29186Resolved issue: SAK-29186Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén
- Portal chat needs updating for MorpheusSAK-29167Resolved issue: SAK-29167
- Fixes to Portal Chat for morpheusSAK-29127Resolved issue: SAK-29127Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén
- Disable Portal Chat in 10SAK-26567Resolved issue: SAK-26567Matthew Jones
- Stack trace from portal chatSAK-26367Resolved issue: SAK-26367Adrian Fish
- 100% fr_FR translation of portal/'s .propertiesSAK-26247Resolved issue: SAK-26247Jean-François Lévêque
- Disable video in portal chat is not persisting the stateSAK-26221Resolved issue: SAK-26221Sam Ottenhoff
- Strange line break in middle of sentenceSAK-26194Resolved issue: SAK-26194Core Team
- Portal Chat message disappear when users move to another tool or siteSAK-26063Resolved issue: SAK-26063Adrian Fish
- Portal chat shows video signaling messages in the chat windowSAK-25796Resolved issue: SAK-25796Adrian Fish
- Stop using reflection to access Profile2 functionalitySAK-25756Resolved issue: SAK-25756Adrian Fish
- Modify portal chat to send profile2 messages for offline usersSAK-25754Resolved issue: SAK-25754Adrian Fish
- Video icons should disappear when 'Disable video' box is checked.SAK-25554Resolved issue: SAK-25554Adrian Fish
- The message from portal chat that appears when user is experimenting connection problems is not internationalizedSAK-25470Resolved issue: SAK-25470Adrian Fish
- Change portal chat properties from portal.neochat to portal.chatSAK-25436Resolved issue: SAK-25436Adrian Fish
- The variable siteId was added by the neoportal/portal chat in the vm but not the contextSAK-23596Resolved issue: SAK-23596Matthew Jones
- Chat windows are cached and displayed to the next user that logs inSAK-23421Resolved issue: SAK-23421Adrian Fish
- Make the portal chat polling interval configurable from sakai.propertiesSAK-23374Resolved issue: SAK-23374Adrian Fish
- Option to hide/ show 'In This Site' section by ChatSAK-23370Resolved issue: SAK-23370Adrian Fish
- Add video call feature on portal chatSAK-23349Resolved issue: SAK-23349Adrian Fish
- chat messages disappear when moving between tools/sitesSAK-23336Resolved issue: SAK-23336
- Allow institutions to remove certain roles, such as guests, from inclusion in the portal chatSAK-23259Resolved issue: SAK-23259Adrian Fish
- Add ability to remove ability of students to use portal chat from particular sitesSAK-23258Resolved issue: SAK-23258Jose Cebe
- NeoChat may be dropping messages intermittentlySAK-23006Resolved issue: SAK-23006Adrian Fish
- portalchat.heartbeatmap.size property not documentedSAK-22920Resolved issue: SAK-22920Adrian Fish
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