- Commons default permissions should include Read Any for student/TA roleSAK-51144Resolved issue: SAK-51144Sam Ottenhoff
- Bad timezone manipulation in Commons ToolSAK-51138Resolved issue: SAK-51138Sam Ottenhoff
- Commons should use bootstrap modal instead of qtip2SAK-51095Resolved issue: SAK-51095Sam Ottenhoff
- Commons sends hundreds of fetchesSAK-51093Resolved issue: SAK-51093Sam Ottenhoff
- Commons needs a pagerSAK-51092Resolved issue: SAK-51092Adrian Fish
- Commons Archive: cc+ warning on importSAK-50881Resolved issue: SAK-50881Charles R Severance
- Commons Archive: cc+ export > import Skipping merge archive data for org.sakaiproject.commons.api.CommonsManagerSAK-50798Charles R Severance
- Portal footer on Commons page: build info no longer displays pop-upSAK-50787Resolved issue: SAK-50787Adrian Fish
- Remove redundant method stubs from EntityProducer implementationsSAK-50688Resolved issue: SAK-50688Adrian Fish
- Responsiveness of Polls toolSAK-50454Resolved issue: SAK-50454Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Commons: Empty content posts with spaces / newline are createdSAK-50126Adrian Fish
- Commons: Not able to create new post using High PrioritySAK-50125Resolved issue: SAK-50125Adrian Fish
- The commons tool is not properly responsive on small displays.SAK-49993Resolved issue: SAK-49993Adrian Fish
- Commons: x people liked this link no longer worksSAK-48744Resolved issue: SAK-48744Adrian Fish
- Commons: minor dark theme issueSAK-48718Resolved issue: SAK-48718
- Text/images dragged into Commons tool's "What's on your mind?" textbox are provided an invisible text cursor until user clicks out and in againSAK-48582Adrian Fish
- Commons: "X people like this" pop-up does not show up.SAK-48341
- Text/images dragged into Commons tool's "What's on your mind?" textbox leaves it unusable for posting until page refresh or precise removalSAK-48294Resolved issue: SAK-48294Christopher Maurer
- Firefox users can edit Commons posts to be blankSAK-48293Resolved issue: SAK-48293Adrian Fish
- Commons posts can allow some HTML attributes to be unintentionally copy-pasted during editingSAK-48292Adrian Fish
- Commons: The instructor cannot load data and post to Commons Tool.SAK-48207Resolved issue: SAK-48207
- Migrate commons to bootstrap 5 as part of the trinity portalSAK-48159Resolved issue: SAK-48159Adrian Fish
- Commons: Not able to create new post while using screen reader and keyboardSAK-47929Resolved issue: SAK-47929Matthew Jones
- Firefox users can edit posts in Commons to be blank, bypassing "You have not entered any content to save"SAK-47748Resolved issue: SAK-47748Christopher Maurer
- Some user profile pictures not popping profile pictures up and not showing link cursor. Also, latest Chrome complains about the popup attribute being part of the popup api.SAK-47713Resolved issue: SAK-47713Adrian Fish
- Commons: "X people like this" pop-up does not disappear when clicking another "X people like this" linkSAK-47665Adrian Fish
- Commons: console error when clicking on user's avatar - TypeError: this.profile is undefinedSAK-47507Adrian Fish
- Move commons tool to user photo component. Get rid of some markup and js logic.SAK-47255Resolved issue: SAK-47255Adrian Fish
- Commons: Internal Error When Adding Image in New Post While Editing Existing PostSAK-46471Adrian Fish
- Commons : refresh users who likedSAK-46340Resolved issue: SAK-46340Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Commons : allow de-prioritizing postSAK-46333Adrian Fish
- COMMONS: Avoid hard-coded text on property "priority_email_forwarded"SAK-46308Resolved issue: SAK-46308
- Commons: When user clicks in text field to add comment, Post button becomes enabled, cursor is gone from textboxSAK-46200Resolved issue: SAK-46200Miguel Pellicer
- Commons: Fatal error for LikeSAK-46185Resolved issue: SAK-46185Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Commons: Oracle ORA-00942: table or view does not existSAK-46168Resolved issue: SAK-46168Adrian Fish
- MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'nightly_trunk.COMMONS_POST' doesn't existSAK-46167Resolved issue: SAK-46167Adrian Fish
- Commons Tool - CREATE TABLE COMMONS_POST... sql syntax errorSAK-46154Resolved issue: SAK-46154Adrian Fish
- COMMONS tables are missing oracle scriptSAK-46150Resolved issue: SAK-46150Brian J.
- Commons: outline when clicking Permissions tab or Posts tab not correctSAK-46136Adrian Fish
- Commons: Edit textbox is only as wide as the current text, it should be as wide as the post textboxSAK-46135Resolved issue: SAK-46135Miguel Pellicer
- Commons: MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'nightly_trunk.COMMONS_LIKE' doesn't existSAK-46105Resolved issue: SAK-46105Joseph Kozar
- Add high-priority post feature to CommonsSAK-46022Resolved issue: SAK-46022David Bauer
- Add a "Like" feature to Commons posts and commentsSAK-46021Resolved issue: SAK-46021Joseph Kozar
- Create Dashboard widget for the Commons toolSAK-45606Adrian Fish
- Larger image uploads take too long on Commons ToolSAK-45423Adrian Fish
- The mathjax does not work in tools: dashboard, rwiki, commonsSAK-45162
- Upgrade high priority tools to work with dark modeSAK-45018Resolved issue: SAK-45018Michael Greene
- Images posted from Firefox are displayed incorrectlySAK-44699Resolved issue: SAK-44699Adrian Fish
- Commons tool can't be opened in Full ScreenSAK-44544Resolved issue: SAK-44544Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Commons / permission tab missing for admin userSAK-44323Resolved issue: SAK-44323Adrian Fish
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