- Add new string in UsageSessionService for a container loginSAK-39898Resolved issue: SAK-39898David Horwitz
- Fixing the migration from file store on DB to File SystemSAK-39887Resolved issue: SAK-39887KERNEL TEAM
- Create compatilbity patch for IE9SAK-39866Resolved issue: SAK-39866Anthony Whyte
- Improve performance by pre-caching Sakai usersSAK-39857Resolved issue: SAK-39857Aaron Zeckoski
- TimeService remove use of static coversSAK-39845Resolved issue: SAK-39845David Horwitz
- Conditions: remove use of static coversSAK-39843Resolved issue: SAK-39843David Horwitz
- Anti-virus -remove use of static coversSAK-39841Resolved issue: SAK-39841
- Content - remove use of static coversSAK-39840Resolved issue: SAK-39840David Horwitz
- Upgrade to Spring 2.5.6.SEC02SAK-39833Resolved issue: SAK-39833David Horwitz
- Add methods to SecurityService, AuthzGroupService and BaseAuthzGroupService.Storage interfaces to support efficent access to lists of "contained" realmsSAK-39832Resolved issue: SAK-39832Jim Eng
- Upgrade commons-lang to 2.4SAK-39826Resolved issue: SAK-39826David Horwitz
- Provide java.util date access in SiteSAK-39820Resolved issue: SAK-39820David Horwitz
- Provide java.util date access in AliasSAK-39815Resolved issue: SAK-39815David Horwitz
- Revert Kernel trunk pom <version> to 1.1-SNAPSHOTSAK-39811Resolved issue: SAK-39811Anthony Whyte
- Create variant of findResources that restricts query to specific site/contextsSAK-39802Resolved issue: SAK-39802Beth Kirschner
- Update distribution management in pomsSAK-39798Resolved issue: SAK-39798David Horwitz
- Always catch exceptions in processFormattedTextSAK-39797Resolved issue: SAK-39797Stephen Marquard
- check use of throw new ErrorSAK-39796Resolved issue: SAK-39796David Horwitz
- Report kernel version from kernel config serviceSAK-39793Resolved issue: SAK-39793David Horwitz
- Update issuemanagement link in base pomSAK-39788Resolved issue: SAK-39788Anthony Whyte
- CLONE -Update maven-release-plugin to version 2.0 from 2.0-beta-09SAK-39785Resolved issue: SAK-39785Anthony Whyte
- Support exceptions to dynamic page localizationSAK-39781Resolved issue: SAK-39781Beth Kirschner
- Use strict encoding and syntax check for redirect URIsSAK-39776Resolved issue: SAK-39776Stephen Marquard
- Improve Unit tests re special chars in ContentHostingSAK-39775Resolved issue: SAK-39775David Horwitz
- Mark all static covers deprecated.SAK-39767Resolved issue: SAK-39767David Horwitz
- Have the component manager generate events after startup and before stutdownSAK-39764Resolved issue: SAK-39764David Horwitz
- Make sure Kernel Java code includes ECL 2.0 copyright statementSAK-39762Resolved issue: SAK-39762ZachT
- Remove empty folders from kernel-utilSAK-39756Resolved issue: SAK-39756Anthony Whyte
- Page Titles should be displayed in user's prefered language/localeSAK-39745Resolved issue: SAK-39745Beth Kirschner
- Calling toString on an array doesn't produce useful output [Static Code Review]SAK-39743Resolved issue: SAK-39743David Horwitz
- Localize FormattedText html tags, attributes and values that are considered good & evilSAK-39742Resolved issue: SAK-39742Beth Kirschner
- This patch adds smtp authentication and TLS to the kernel email component.SAK-39740Resolved issue: SAK-39740David Horwitz
- Update Sakai maven plugin to 1.2.0SAK-39739Resolved issue: SAK-39739Anthony Whyte
- Finalizer null fieldsSAK-39735Resolved issue: SAK-39735David Horwitz
- Clean up empty folder in kernel-impl/SAK-39730Resolved issue: SAK-39730David Horwitz
- Update and test snapshot deployment to the test snapshot repoSAK-39725Resolved issue: SAK-39725David Horwitz
- Review maxElementsIn store of core cachesSAK-39723Resolved issue: SAK-39723KERNEL TEAM
- Remove changlelog pluginSAK-39711Resolved issue: SAK-39711David Horwitz
- Upgrade to Ehcahce 1.6.1SAK-39709Resolved issue: SAK-39709David Horwitz
- remove spring-webmvc from shared, allowing tools to independently upgrade versionsSAK-39707Resolved issue: SAK-39707David Horwitz
- Update project, environment, distribution and build info in base pom.xmlSAK-39703Resolved issue: SAK-39703Anthony Whyte
- Move test-harness to kernelSAK-39702Resolved issue: SAK-39702David Horwitz
- Upgrade Site plugin to 2.0SAK-39698Resolved issue: SAK-39698David Horwitz
- Mark EmtpyIterator deprecatedSAK-39694Resolved issue: SAK-39694David Horwitz
- Allow ability to turn off automatic "promotion" to provided userSAK-39690Resolved issue: SAK-39690KERNEL TEAM
- mark as deprecated utils available in commons libraries and the jvmSAK-39687Resolved issue: SAK-39687David Horwitz
- Remove old/unused maven repo from the pomSAK-39685Resolved issue: SAK-39685KERNEL TEAM
- Need effiecient way to determine pub-view setting for large sitesSAK-39682Jim Eng
- Clean up use of clearAdvisors in unit TestsSAK-39678Resolved issue: SAK-39678David Horwitz
- Allow tools to register their own email notification preferencesSAK-39675Resolved issue: SAK-39675Christopher Maurer
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