Create new SitePage.setTitleCustom() & SitePage.getTitleCustom() methods which will check a new boolean page property ("sitePage.customTitle") before localizing the page based on the page tool's title (see ).
Backward's compatibility is maintained by assuming that all sakai.iframe, and sakai.rutgers.linktool pages/tools have custom titles. This assumption may be overriden by setting "legacyPageTitleCustom=false" in
Initialization and upgrade scripts will set the sitePage.customTitle property for webcontent pages in the gateway and for the admin's MOTD page.
Changes implemented as described. Verified on clean build+database and pre-existing database. Verified with default settings and with legacyPageTitleCustom=false (
Create new SitePage.setTitleCustom() & SitePage.getTitleCustom() methods which will check a new boolean page property ("sitePage.customTitle") before localizing the page based on the page tool's title (see ).
Backward's compatibility is maintained by assuming that all sakai.iframe, and sakai.rutgers.linktool pages/tools have custom titles. This assumption may be overriden by setting "legacyPageTitleCustom=false" in
Initialization and upgrade scripts will set the sitePage.customTitle property for webcontent pages in the gateway and for the admin's MOTD page.