Create variant of findResources that restricts query to specific site/contexts
The ContentHostingService.findResources() method will find resources of a given type/mime-type only in the current user's worksites. There is no option for searching other worksites, or worksites for users other than the current user. The following method will accomplish this.
Find all resources in specified sites that match the spcified type and mime type *
@param type
this is the ResourceProperties.PROP_STRUCTOBJ_TYPE for stuctured objects or ResourceProperties.FILE_TYPE for file resources or null for all resources.
@param primaryMimeType
The primary mime type (ie. the "text" of "text/xml") This may be null to include all resources
@param subMimeType
The sub type (ie, the "xml" of "text/xml") This may be null to include all resources of the primary mime type if specified.
@param contextIds
select resources where CONTENT_RESOURCE.CONTEXT in [context,...]
@return List of ContentResource objects that match the search criteria */ public List<ContentResource> findResources(String type, String primaryMimeType, String subMimeType, Set<String> contextIds);
The ContentHostingService.findResources() method will find resources of a given type/mime-type only in the current user's worksites. There is no option for searching other worksites, or worksites for users other than the current user. The following method will accomplish this.
Find all resources in specified sites that match the spcified type and mime type
@param type
this is the ResourceProperties.PROP_STRUCTOBJ_TYPE for stuctured objects or ResourceProperties.FILE_TYPE for file resources or null for all resources.
@param primaryMimeType
The primary mime type (ie. the "text" of "text/xml") This may be null to include all resources
@param subMimeType
The sub type (ie, the "xml" of "text/xml") This may be null to include all resources of the primary mime type if specified.
@param contextIds
select resources where CONTENT_RESOURCE.CONTEXT in [context,...]
@return List of ContentResource objects that match the search criteria
public List<ContentResource> findResources(String type, String primaryMimeType, String subMimeType, Set<String> contextIds);