- the example value of the property samigo.answerUploadRepositoryPath should be something other than /tmp/SAK-37272Resolved issue: SAK-37272Anthony Whyte
- Exception is seen when the image files don't exist in the exported CP zipSAK-36755Resolved issue: SAK-36755SAMIGO TEAM
- Allow instructors to enter zero score for unsubmitted assessmentsSAK-36507Resolved issue: SAK-36507Jasmine Thapa
- Data loss on auto-submitted assessment with Timer ErrorSAK-36228Resolved issue: SAK-36228SAMIGO TEAM
- tests & quizzes - question pool question preview - missing question text/imageSAK-36061Resolved issue: SAK-36061Neal Caidin
- When publishing an assessment, the subject of the notification email sometimes doesn't display accents characters wellSAK-35837Resolved issue: SAK-35837SAMIGO TEAM
- Samigo: "Update points" button is not localizableSAK-35704Resolved issue: SAK-35704Jasmine Thapa
- default value for key linear_access_no_return in samigo-app/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/bundle/ is broken by line breaksSAK-35685Resolved issue: SAK-35685Beth Kirschner
- Broken date format in Samigo in Russian localeSAK-35674Resolved issue: SAK-35674Vitaly Khudobakhshov
- Samigo: an English word "Possible" is still left in Statistics pageSAK-35461Resolved issue: SAK-35461Jasmine Thapa
- samigo-app/src/java/org/sakaiproject/tool/assessment/bundle/ weird lineSAK-35370Resolved issue: SAK-35370Jasmine Thapa
- Assign different file names for au files from audio recording questionsSAK-35249Resolved issue: SAK-35249Jasmine Thapa
- Integration with RespondusSAK-35049Resolved issue: SAK-35049SAMIGO TEAM
- Add javadocsSAK-34961Resolved issue: SAK-34961SAMIGO TEAM
- trivial but can we change wording on Assessment Types - feedback sectionSAK-34627SAMIGO TEAM
- Resources are not accessible in questions which copied from different site poolsSAK-34352SAMIGO TEAM
- Oracle dead locks detected with tables SAM_ITEM_T and SAM_PUBLISHEDITEM_TSAK-34148SAMIGO TEAM
- Uploading the downloaded "template" student submissions creates duplicates in the systemSAK-20183Resolved issue: SAK-20183UMich Developers
- CSS bugs on group's pageSAK-20146Resolved issue: SAK-20146
- Forms : problem with date format when editing the date field with jsf date widget if your locale is fr_FR, don't test the format date for europen locale param.SAK-18654Resolved issue: SAK-18654Noah Botimer
- The concurrent indexing timer is not named. Naming of threads aids profiling and debugging.SAK-18266Resolved issue: SAK-18266David Horwitz
- Email notification for foldersSAK-18199Resolved issue: SAK-18199David Horwitz
- Timed auto-submission/data discrepancy error when short answer/essay question exceeds 4000 characters results in blank submissionsSAK-18132Resolved issue: SAK-18132SAMIGO TEAM
- CLONE -[Static code review] Sysnchronization issue causing potential liveness or deadlock. w.r.t. CitationsSAK-18114Resolved issue: SAK-18114Jim Eng
- NPE when building metadata contextSAK-17994Resolved issue: SAK-17994
- Update sakai-maven-plugin version from M2 to 1.0SAK-17810Resolved issue: SAK-17810Anthony Whyte
- Update copyright property statement in * years=2003-2010SAK-17807Resolved issue: SAK-17807Anthony Whyte
- Create 2.5.6 release branchSAK-17803Resolved issue: SAK-17803Anthony Whyte
- Site duplication fails with NPESAK-17699Resolved issue: SAK-17699Zhen Qian
- WARN: .parseEntityReference(): in catalina.outSAK-17698Resolved issue: SAK-17698Core Team
- NPE found in catalina.out when Mailtool sends to a blank To with a valid Other Recipient(s)SAK-17697Resolved issue: SAK-17697Core Team
- If file size of attachment is greater than limit then no error message for end user, just in catalina.outSAK-17696Resolved issue: SAK-17696
- Release notes: highlight SAK-16838SAK-17613Resolved issue: SAK-17613Anthony Whyte
- Generate sakai-2.5.6 maintenance releaseSAK-17611Resolved issue: SAK-17611Anthony Whyte
- Need a 2.5.6 roll-up file for post-004 2.5.x SQL conversionSAK-17527Resolved issue: SAK-17527Anthony Whyte
- Comment out repoSAK-17430Resolved issue: SAK-17430Anthony Whyte
- Gradebook events in sitestatsSAK-17383Resolved issue: SAK-17383
- Ability to view photos in one columnSAK-17374Resolved issue: SAK-17374
- Page Order button labels (Save, Cancel, Reset) not localized with RSF templateSAK-17338Resolved issue: SAK-17338Matthew Jones
- Test and Quizzes malfunction when prof uses ADJ to enter grade for student.SAK-17298Resolved issue: SAK-17298Lydia Li
- Assignment tool releases grades too soon.SAK-17297Resolved issue: SAK-17297John Leasia
- Default value "Due Date" is present for 6 or 7 different keys in ./app/ui/src/bundle/org/sakaiproject/tool/gradebook/bundle/Messages.propertiesSAK-17274Resolved issue: SAK-17274Core Team
- RTSP links in resources are not workingSAK-17226Resolved issue: SAK-17226
- can no longer position popup links on screenSAK-17221Resolved issue: SAK-17221
- Error from mobile browserSAK-17215Nuno Grilo
- Printable schedule - weekly view shows incorrect times and durations for eventsSAK-17204Resolved issue: SAK-17204Beth Kirschner
- Adding sort ability to the status title of the syllabus itemsSAK-17031Resolved issue: SAK-17031
- Adding Syllabus items at the top of the pageSAK-17029Resolved issue: SAK-17029
- Scoring error: Inconsistent doubling of question points in Part one of several quizzesSAK-17014Resolved issue: SAK-17014SAMIGO TEAM
- Exported Gradebook shows incorrect Course GradeSAK-16979Resolved issue: SAK-16979Carl Hall
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