Resources are not accessible in questions which copied from different site pools


This is reported by UPV:

Question pools are user-assigned, that is, if an instructor creates a question pool from site S1, the same tool will be available at any site the instructor has access to. The problem arises when question in the pool contains references to resources inside the question text. I have made the following test:

1. Instructor A logs in and enter at site S1.
2. Instructor A uploads resource R1 at Resources area of S1.
3. Instructor A creates a question pool POOL when is working at site S1.
4. Instructor A adds to POOL questions with references to resource R1 in it.
5. Instructor A leaves S1 and goes to site S2.
6. Instructor A create an assessment named QUIZZ using POOL question pool questions.

1. Students with access to S1 and S2 will be allowed to access R1 when taking assessment QUIZZ. This is OK.
2. Student with access to S1 but not to S2, won't be allowed take QUIZZ. This is OK because they don't have to.
3. Students with access to S2 but not to S1, will be allowed to take QUIZZ but they won't be able to access R1.





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Created November 12, 2008 at 10:58 AM
Updated April 17, 2018 at 8:02 AM

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