- The ungraded gradebook item is not shown in student viewGRBK-783
- export the extra column for the letter grade only, not the combination of letter and percentageGRBK-782Resolved issue: GRBK-782
- Letter Grade mode does not work with Pass/No PassGRBK-704Resolved issue: GRBK-704
- Letter Grades, Weighted Categories -- course grade calculation boundary annomaliesGRBK-703Resolved issue: GRBK-703
- Allow students to see Xtra Credit scores in green (and the item text in green too, if possible) & see not Include in grade scores in gray (and the item text in gray too, if possible)GRBK-701
- Grade import history needs to differentiate (% to Letter) and (Letter to Letter) "conversion"GRBK-700Resolved issue: GRBK-700
- gb2-import structure - import gives blank, grey screen if there is a problem w/imported spreadsheetGRBK-698Resolved issue: GRBK-698
- Optimize method convertPercentageToLetterGrade(...) in GradeCalculationsOOImpl.javaGRBK-696Resolved issue: GRBK-696
- Letter grade scale is not editable & Grade Scale is not working properlyGRBK-695Resolved issue: GRBK-695
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