gb2-import structure - import gives blank, grey screen if there is a problem w/imported spreadsheet
Peter Peterson February 29, 2012 at 11:47 AM
Closing issue
Peter Peterson February 29, 2012 at 11:36 AM
Tested several clicker files and also scantron files. Importing to GB. Errors were processed normally and could not recreate the described problem.
Jon Gorrono February 28, 2012 at 4:27 PMEdited
I don't see any QA results... did anybody test this?
My first comment on this ticket by itself is a little misleading, I ended up making some code, someone should test clickers that are saved as both CSV and XLS
Peter Peterson February 22, 2012 at 2:51 PM
So Jon, is this confirmed as already fixed, if so can you close this issue please?
Jon Gorrono February 10, 2012 at 3:07 PM
jexlcel searches are case-sensitive, updated injected column names to reflect proper case
some i18n
set the imported file 'scantron' flag if it is a clicker to overload scantron code
rSmart dev server
SmartSite@UCDavis - - Sakai 2.6.2 - Server "ucddev1"
initial problem of inability to import structure of gb was user error.
I'd renamed several items and didn't think to rename the corresponding Comments : columns.
Mike figured it out.
BUT this JIRA issue was precipitated by doing the above.
upon attempt to import the spreadsheet, after the "reading file" popup, the
screen clears and you're left with a blank, gray screen with "Return"
at the bottom. if you "Return" you're back in the initial gb2 screen with
nothing imported.
Mike says this is an issue as there is no user message/feedback that the user has
done something wrong with the file and correction/s need to be made.
so the bug is to fix the code so the user gets an error message of some sort.