- missing index on contentreview-itemTII-150Resolved issue: TII-150Earle Nietzel
- Assignments: Submission export breaks on big data setSAK-49996Resolved issue: SAK-49996Core Team
- Assignments: Submission export breaks on big data setSAK-49987Resolved issue: SAK-49987Core Team
- Presence polling db performance improvementSAK-44445Resolved issue: SAK-44445Earle Nietzel
- sakai-rubric-student-button is making excessive http calls on loadSAK-44395Resolved issue: SAK-44395Andrea Schmidt
- Move Bullhorns to use Server Sent Events, rather than short polling.SAK-44265Adrian Fish
- MessageBundleService check cache for negative lookupsSAK-44094Resolved issue: SAK-44094Earle Nietzel
- Too much time while loading gradebookNGSAK-42017Resolved issue: SAK-42017Andrea Schmidt
- Create a new API that can persist grades without commentsSAK-41283Steve Swinsburg
- Missing indexes for ASN_SUBMISSIONSAK-40917Earle Nietzel
- Gradebook: Gradebook performance issues in teaching assistant roleSAK-40423
- Samigo > minimize redundant UPDATE queries on SAM_ITEMGRADING_TSAK-39928Resolved issue: SAK-39928Brian J.
- Add parameter to getDeletedResources to specify ageSAK-39573Core Team
- Cache the results of getAliases(String)SAK-39459Resolved issue: SAK-39459Matthew Buckett
- Performance cache calls to getAuthzUserGroupIdsSAK-39437Resolved issue: SAK-39437KERNEL TEAM
- Limit the concurrent sessions of a single user.SAK-39436Resolved issue: SAK-39436Aaron Zeckoski
- Option to send and retrieve events (via cluster mechanism) without going to the databaseSAK-39418Resolved issue: SAK-39418Robert Long
- Virus scanning can be slow, need to queue scans in a thread and periodically scan to avoid making the user wait and hold up threadsSAK-39397Resolved issue: SAK-39397Aaron Zeckoski
- getAll/Complete cache: NotificationCache m_cache, BaseNotificationServiceSAK-39375Resolved issue: SAK-39375Aaron Zeckoski
- Sakai getAll caching is dangerous and cannot be supported by the Java cache standard (JSR-107)SAK-39355Resolved issue: SAK-39355Aaron Zeckoski
- excessive memory usage inside realmRoleGroupCache valuesSAK-39338Resolved issue: SAK-39338Aaron Zeckoski
- refreshAuthzGroup is inefficient and can cause high loadSAK-39254Resolved issue: SAK-39254Earle Nietzel
- SiteCacheImpl is incompatible with distributed/JSR-107 cachingSAK-39150Resolved issue: SAK-39150Aaron Zeckoski
- Unsatisfiable partial-content requests not handled correctlySAK-39132Resolved issue: SAK-39132KERNEL TEAM
- getUsersIsAllowed in a large sites can result in terrible MySQL query performanceSAK-39118Resolved issue: SAK-39118Sam Ottenhoff
- User caching happens in threadlocal as well as cacheSAK-38993Resolved issue: SAK-38993Robert Long
- Tool attached files cannot be read by users who do not have site permissionSAK-38942Resolved issue: SAK-38942
- Bypass isDropboxOwnerInCurrentUserGroups if user is maintainerSAK-38883Resolved issue: SAK-38883Earle Nietzel
- org.sakaiproject.util.Blob should be deprecated(removed) as holding large byte arrays in memory is almost always unnecessarySAK-38881Resolved issue: SAK-38881Aaron Zeckoski
- BaseContentService uses Map for cachingSAK-38862Resolved issue: SAK-38862Matthew Jones
- BasePreferences are "cached" in MySession and EhcacheSAK-38784Earle Nietzel
- Checks for explicit locks are unnecessary for ContentCollectionsSAK-38783Resolved issue: SAK-38783KERNEL TEAM
- CacheRefresher no longer working for any cases (though it could work for MRC)SAK-38781Resolved issue: SAK-38781KERNEL TEAM
- Performance issues in Admin user searchSAK-38720Resolved issue: SAK-38720KERNEL TEAM
- Unnecessary query for every content accessSAK-38692Resolved issue: SAK-38692KERNEL TEAM
- Rewrite MemoryService APIs to allow pluggable caching (JSR-107)SAK-38636Resolved issue: SAK-38636Aaron Zeckoski
- Queries for permission checks are slow in large sitesSAK-38612Resolved issue: SAK-38612KERNEL TEAM
- SiteService.getUserSites should have way to pre-filter sites (Sites drawer slow with lots of sites)SAK-38581Resolved issue: SAK-38581Miguel Pellicer
- Performance issues in site visits and retrieval (doSite, getSites)SAK-38521Resolved issue: SAK-38521Noah Botimer
- Performance issues with message bundles loading and java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled. errorSAK-38454Resolved issue: SAK-38454John Bush
- Samigo > improve performance when copying questions from pool to quizSAK-38439Resolved issue: SAK-38439Brian J.
- Joining the bigint pageId on the string sakaiId can be very bad on MySQLSAK-38012Resolved issue: SAK-38012Sam Ottenhoff
- Ineffective caches should be removedSAK-37741Resolved issue: SAK-37741Charles Hedrick
- NPE in ShowPageProducerSAK-37676Resolved issue: SAK-37676Charles Hedrick
- Scores page load times excessive for large sites with assessments released to groups.SAK-37257Resolved issue: SAK-37257SAMIGO TEAM
- Calls to ExternalAssement provider are expensiveSAK-36923Resolved issue: SAK-36923Core Team
- update SAM_ITEMGRADING_T multiplies as user progresses through long assessmentSAK-36814Resolved issue: SAK-36814Sam Ottenhoff
- Import Quiz XML/ZIP slowSAK-36529Resolved issue: SAK-36529SAMIGO TEAM
- POJO'ise assesment objectsSAK-36387Resolved issue: SAK-36387David Horwitz
- Quiz delivery generates excessive queriesSAK-35977Resolved issue: SAK-35977SAMIGO TEAM
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