Trinity: several fixes and improvements


Sponsored by UPV , EDF is working in some skin fixes and design improvements to the default Trinity skin. This is a work in progress for that environment, as we believe these changes would help with navigation and user experience while making Sakai prettier and shinier, but it’s up to the community to decide about its final contribution.

We’re open to accepting proposals, but we don’t want a discussion about every little detail delaying the work or expanding the scope, as it tends to happen. We need to move forward and just like when Trinity was initially introduced, future updates and other contributors can work on its maintenance.


Solve header overflow:

vs current nightly:

NOTE: This is a work in progress and we’ll be adding a list of changes and more screenshots.





Jesus Maria Mendez Perez 2 days ago

I’ve just created a new ticket:

If you see other issues, please file a new ticket and be free to assign it to me. Thanks!

We have these little issues at the moment.

Thanks EDF for the development!

Wilma Hodges 3 days ago

I don’t recall the moving of Home discussed when we looked at the proposed Trinity changes at T&L/UX. I have to say, I don’t think it is is a good idea. I recall in the some of the testing we did prior to 23 release, the consensus was that Home should always stay fixed at the top left. I would argue that the expected behavior should be for the Home site to collapse when another site is opened. However, the Home site should remain at the top of the list in a predictable location.

Andrea Schmidt 3 days ago

The changes look really nice, but I have a question: when the user clicks on a site in the navigation, is the expected behavior now that it moves to the top and the “Home” link now moves below it?

Automation for Jira last week

A pull request has been created, "SAK-51017 Trinity: several fixes and improvements", you can see it at

Wilma Hodges March 5, 2025 at 5:17 PM

The T&L/UX group discussed the proposed UI changes today. The consensus of the the group was in favor of all the changes except for the removal of the site title from the top navigation area.

In the UX testing that was done prior to 23 release, users very clearly expressed a need for better sense of place in knowing which site they are currently in. Also, having a large empty space at the top was reported by several testers as wasted space that they would rather see filled with useful information. These test results were the rationale for moving the title and tool breadcrumb into that space to begin with. User feedback from institutions using 23 right now also report that faculty tend to get “lost” and forget which course they are in if they scroll down the page and the left nav is not easily visible. Having the title at the top is very helpful in reminding them of which site is selected.

The S2U change in the top nav was prompted by the fact that their institution site titles tend to be quite long and look bad when they overflow the space and push other items to the far right. We recognize that this is an issue, but would like to find a way to mitigate the problem without removing the site title from the top nav area. T&L/UX suggests that we do the following instead:

  • Truncate the site title when it reaches a particular character or space limit (as is currently done on mobile).

  • If the Tool breadcrumb is a space issue in the top nav, consider moving the tool name only into the content area Breadcrumb space. (No need to duplicate the title in the breadcrumbs if it appears at the top.)

As mentioned above, the other changes were agreed to be improvements. The group liked limiting the number of expanded site tools on the left. We also thought that presenting the tool options in a dropdown list, instead of tabs which tend to wrap and bunch up at the top, is a much better experience.




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Created February 18, 2025 at 10:48 AM
Updated 2 days ago
Resolved 3 days ago