View Site As not working for Unpublished Sites
- 26 Jan 2024, 05:21 PM
is related to
Andrea Schmidt May 27, 2024 at 12:39 AM
Verified on 23x:, build: 95360fb5 that the user is no longer kicked out, but is an issue
Andrea Schmidt April 11, 2024 at 12:35 AM
Tested on 25x:, build: 1a74eeaa and 23x:, build: 586bbb76
User is no longer kicked out of the site, but the navigation and pinned/recent info is gone from the navigation. See
Earle Nietzel April 9, 2024 at 4:44 PM
in “View As” functionality has been restored to unpublished sites.
Sean Horner February 2, 2024 at 10:59 PMEdited
For about a decade at my institution, we’ve set an expectation with our faculty that they can use ‘View Site As’ prior to publishing a site as one (albeit limited) tool for them to build confidence in assessing if the they’re ready to proceed with publishing the site. Thus at least for my institution, preventing unpublished sites from being previewed w/ ‘View Site As’ would be experienced as a regression. Thus, I’d be in favor of proceeding with an approach that Earle alludes to-- one “handled by the security service so that the permissions would behave consistently”.
Earle Nietzel February 2, 2024 at 10:35 PM
I took a look into this and believe that “View Site As” should not appear for a site that is unpublished.
The reasoning for this is that there are specific security checks for the permission site.visit.unp
for which a student would generally never have.
When switching to the student view, permissions should be followed and not bypassed in a way to elevate the users capability as this would have consequences.
The views/ui are designed to follow the permissions and doing something like this would simply make those views more complex.
And if we did need to proceed with something like this then it should be handled by the security service so that the permissions would behave consistently.
When using the View Site As feature on unpublished sites, the Instructor is sent to a Home site and is unable to view the site as a Student or TA. This is a change from 22.x where the Instructor would still see the site in a Student or TA view.