Role Swap: Improve student view & simulation of users with other roles
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Miguel Pellicer May 31, 2022 at 11:46 AM
You’re right, looks like was caused by a different issue.
Roberto Pérez Marcos May 31, 2022 at 11:39 AM
It seems that Gradebook is working right now in Student role view, in Nightly.
Miguel Pellicer May 27, 2022 at 9:52 AM
As instructor everything looks so good, I don’t see submissions in assignments nor assessments, I don’t see the user listed, I see the user’s dropbox, I see the chat comments, the lessons student content and I see the forum reponses, all make sense.
Miguel Pellicer May 27, 2022 at 8:44 AM
I believe we should make some improvements at least on Gradebook.
Miguel Pellicer May 27, 2022 at 8:44 AM
I’ve tested this using Nightly, there are some improvements.
When an instructor selects a role, the select must be disabled or they can do a double swap.
Gradebook view is broken.
Roster shows 0 students but it's acceptable.
I’ve tested the following, comparing with a real student account.
Syllabus items are visible
Resources are visible
Lessons including student content, questions, comments, everything visible
Calendar events visible
Announcements visible
Forums visible and ability to respond.
Assignments visible and ability to submit.
Assessments visible and ability to submit.
Gradebook throws a severe error
Dropbox createa folder and I can upload files.
Chat ability to type and read.
Wiki can read,.
Conversations …. no comment……
Dashboard is visible and I can create tasks
Meetings shows no meetings which is nice.
Messages, I can send private messages as student.
I can see podcasts
Commons show a permission error, should be nice considering the circumstances.
Postem items are visible
Roster shows ZERO participants, acceptable, works for the real student.
Signup items work fine.
The problem is that when instructors enter with the student view they don't see all the processes as the student should see them. When instructors enter student mode they are still internally a instructor user, and that makes accessible some options that students don't have to see.
One case is Asessments: the instructor enters as a student to test if the exam can be seen and then do it, to check if everything goes well. Normally he is interested in the option of entering as a student to test the whole process, and especially to see if the scoring is ok. The most common case of complaint is that the exam is sent but there is no way as a student to see anything else, no score, no exam taken, etc.
On the other hand, when the "student view" mode is activated, this status is not very visible to the user. The page should change to make this status more visible, which is the case when using the "Become user" tool.