LTI Assignments: Unable to view submissions when using the arrows to move between students when grading


This could be a real pain for instructors in larger classes. If an assignment uses an LTI tool and the instructor wants to grade submissions:

  • The submissions page displays all the submissions correctly

  • If the instructor clicks on a student’s name, the student’s submission displays and the instructor can grade

  • If the instructor then uses the arrows to navigate between students (with or without the option enabled to only navigate between students with a submission), the instructor sees the upload page for the external tool instead of the student’s submission

I’m also attaching a screenshot from the browser’s network tab which displays an issue with oidc_auth? in one line and in the following line it seems to be fine. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the issue, but thought I would include it just in case.





Andrea Schmidt July 19, 2024 at 10:26 PM

Verified on 23x:, build: 30fe31b2 using Sticky Grader

Andrea Schmidt June 25, 2024 at 11:54 PM

Tested on 25x:, build: dfe45f76

Sticky Grader 1.3 is the only one that can actually be tested. I tested moving student to student, then switched to students with submissions only, and it worked.

See for the annotator issues

Charles R Severance June 25, 2024 at 7:19 AM

While working on and testing this JIRA, I have made some improvements to Tsugi, StickyGrader, and Document Annotator as follows:

  • While there is no mechanism in the LTI 1.1 protocol to indicate “ready for grading”, I can send a 0.0 grade at the moment of submission as a “stop gap”.  

  • Previously in StickyGrader, it only notified of a submission if it was an LTI 1.3 launch now it either does the LTI 1.3 notification *or* sends a zero grade for LTI 1.1 launches which at least tickles Grader in the right way (see attached screen shot)

  • Previously Document Annotator (a.k.a. CkPaper) did not do the notification thing at all so it was not an alternative to test.  I taught Document Annotator to send notification on submission like StickyGrader.

  • Also there is no mechanism in LTI 1.1 (I even thought about hacking something up) for the launch from the Sakai grader straight into the grade detail screen *for* a particular user.  So this will only work in a pretty way for LTI 1.3 - for LTI 1.1 - you go to the main page and need to use the in-tool navigation to get to the “grade any student” page - of course when a grade is entered, it is properly sent.  We just need to note this in the test plans for 1.1.  (Screen shot attached).

These are not changes to Sakai - they are changes to Tsugi and its tools - but might alter general LTI test plans sightly and certainly allow for some additional general LTI test plan approaches.

Automation for Jira June 18, 2024 at 1:58 AM

A pull request has been created, "SAK-49323 - LTI Assignments - Fix moving between students in Grader using arrow", you can see it at




Affects versions

23 Status

QA Verification Pass





24x:, build: 1615cf41
Created September 30, 2023 at 3:32 PM
Updated August 9, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Resolved June 25, 2024 at 2:25 PM