LTI 1.3 - Assignment get api returns 400 instead of 404


Hi all,

We have noticed when we try to get an assignment(Sakai assignment) which is not available in sakai LMS, we are receiving 400 bad request with "[{"error": "Could not load assignment"}]" error message.

As per the IMS Global standards( it should be 404.

Can that be done?

Please find the below sample request that we have tested.






Charles R Severance May 3, 2022 at 11:20 AM

Thanks for the test, with your verification - I have marked this as “Verified” which should get it in the queue for merging into 21-x and 22-x - and likely in the next maintenance release of 21 and 22. Once the code gets into the x branches - particular schools or customers can often pull the fix into their production before it comes out in a maintenance branch. Even if this goes into a maintenance branch, it might take a while for a school to get upgraded. So it depends on the school or client.

hashitha shamal May 3, 2022 at 11:04 AM

Hi ,
We have tested this error , Its giving 404 as expected ( tested this issue using some test tools instead of deploying this. We have faced some issues when we are trying to deploy this to our local environment.) . Can you please proceed with the release with those new changes?
And also can we have the release plan and release version for this fix?

hashitha shamal March 15, 2022 at 2:19 PM

Thank you and .

Charles R Severance March 9, 2022 at 3:36 PM

You should make sure to test it yourself - either on nightly or - because if after all this it is still broken it will take another chunk of time to flow the fix to releases. It is easiest to test and fix right now before those releases are created.

Matthew Jones March 9, 2022 at 4:05 AM

QA would need to test this and mark it as tested on master. Then it would get merged to the indicated releases.

Sakai 22.x is currently frozen as it nears release to all but blocker issues so it wouldn’t be in 22.0, but it could be in 22.1 which would likely be around June 2022.

21.3 would be after 22.0 and likely in April 2022.

It would just need to be verified before then and merge cleanly.




Affects versions

Fix versions

22 Status


21 Status






Created January 19, 2022 at 4:17 AM
Updated July 28, 2022 at 9:06 PM
Resolved February 8, 2022 at 4:02 PM