Refactor Assignments / LTI External Tools For Sakai 21/22


The LTI support for Sakai 21 - worked, but there are a number of places where the Assignments shows information in the UI or is missing information in the UI that makes it hard to use. The basic problem was that all of the handling of scores in Sakai for LTI tools was handled by the Gradebook.  This made much of the Assignments workflow in Sakai pointless or badly broken for LTI Assignments.

The big picture of this change is that for LTI tools placed in Assignments, the grade flow is to/from the Assignments service no longer the grade book service but instead the assignment service and assignments sends grades to the gradebook using its internal logic.  With that change, there are current and emergent LTI grade flow features like activityStatus, gradingStatus, and the submission review launch that Sakai can now support with this change.

This is a dramatic improvement of the LTI integration into Assignments but the good news is that there are no data model changes and this should back port to Sakai 21 nicely.





Charles R Severance November 23, 2021 at 1:56 PM

OK - I just made a PR to reference - - should I just merge it or do you want to take look?

Earle Nietzel November 22, 2021 at 9:37 PM

Correct pulled into 21.x because of merging conflicts.

I saw that the database changes were already part of 21.

Since 22 is not out yet lets remove it from the 22.0 script and add to 21.2 script. (Had 22.0 been released then in 2 places would be fine)

Charles R Severance November 22, 2021 at 3:36 PM

Ah - that is - Earle must have pulled it into 21-x - it is not essential to this Jira - but perhaps without it - there is a merge conflict. So yes - this needs to be put into the conversion for 21.3

It would be OK to (a) have it both places or (b) un-merge from 21-x so lets hear from to see which he prefers.

The whole key rotation is something that has very little external effect and Sakai cam run with or without it.

Sam Ottenhoff November 21, 2021 at 2:13 PM

Sorry: lti13_platform_public_next ?

Charles R Severance November 20, 2021 at 4:21 PM

do you have anything in mind? I don’t think this requires any data model changes - but I could have missed something. It just uses the data items added in 21 differently.




Affects versions

Fix versions

22 Status


21 Status





Created September 7, 2021 at 4:45 PM
Updated February 15, 2022 at 4:08 PM
Resolved November 8, 2021 at 4:36 PM