Samigo: Modify text of assessment preview banner.


Currently, when an instructor selects the *Preview* option in Tests & Quizzes, a banner is displayed at the top and bottom of the page that reads:

Assessment Preview - This is an example student view of this assessment.

Unfortunately, the text of this banner provides little indication that the preview option is a basic approximation only, and that more advanced configurations such as group assessments or embedded images may behave differently depending on the settings that have been selected. This discrepancy is especially problematic in the present circumstances, when a large number of instructors are using Tests & Quizzes for the first time. 

Accordingly, the text of the banner should be modified to indicate that the view presented in the preview is a basic approximation only.

There is also a done button to exit the preview, but the purpose of this button is not clear to users. The button text should be modified so it's clear, e.g., Exit Preview.

New text for message:

Assessment Preview - This preview provides an approximate view of the layout of the assessment for students. The preview will not allow you to save or submit answers, display the timer if there is a time limit, or access any feedback. The preview also does not take into account students' ability (or lack thereof) to view images or other media embedded in questions.





Thomas Kelsey March 4, 2021 at 9:25 PM

, the "Exit Preview" Button still shows within the top banner. Did you want that moved out?

Marcelino Rutea December 2, 2020 at 7:02 AM

Another view:

Marcelino Rutea December 2, 2020 at 6:48 AM

Hello, again;

I added new changes to the banner. This way there's more space between text and button.

Also, at the bottom of the screen there's the second "Exit Preview" button.

I have added a style to separate the button from the text.


Thank you for your comments.



Tiffany Stull December 1, 2020 at 7:55 AM

In the image, it looks like the button is right up against the text. There should be some space between the text and button, preferably where the text reflows to the left of the button (see screenshot attached in description).

Is the Exit Preview button still at the bottom of the screen, even though the banner is not? I think it's important for accessibility to have the button at the bottom in case the assessment has a lot of questions on one page.

Marcelino Rutea December 1, 2020 at 4:26 AM

Hi, everyone;

In first place, thank you for your comments.

I add a new image with the corrections result:




Fix versions

21 Status




Created April 29, 2020 at 9:11 AM
Updated March 4, 2021 at 9:25 PM
Resolved December 16, 2020 at 8:21 AM