apply kernel changes for dynamic resource loader
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John Bush June 15, 2012 at 4:00 PM
Please see my comment in there is a reason.

Matthew Jones May 21, 2012 at 11:02 AMEdited
Was there some reason that MODULE_NAME was split off to be separate from BASE_NAME? It looks like in the standard resource loader all of the tools just use this value and pass their entire bundle value. But for this case it seems like you'd have a baseName which also contains the module name.
However there are some cases where the thread local manager current context wouldn't return a value (like for services?) and those resources values wouldn't be able to be overridden.
String context = (String) getThreadLocalManager().get(org.sakaiproject.util.RequestFilter.CURRENT_CONTEXT);
if (context != null) {
Map bundleValues = getMessageBundleService().getBundle(baseName, context, locale);
If it's to possibly improve the query in some cases, then it probably should be moved into
if moduleName == null (don't include it in this SQL query)
String sql = "from MessageBundleProperty where baseName = ? and moduleName = ? and locale = ? and value != null";
Unless it's needed for something else I'm not seeing?
Edit: Filed this comment as

Hudson CI Server March 21, 2011 at 10:09 PM
Integrated in sakai trunk #470 (See fix index.

Hudson CI Server February 23, 2011 at 9:10 PM
Integrated in sakai trunk #447 (See dynamic bundles index addition
SAK-20079, dynamic bundles additions
SAK-19088, update comments to include missing ticket number.

Beth Kirschner September 16, 2010 at 5:55 AM
Verified and merged to trunk
need to refactor current code to remove dependency on message service service. Going to attempt to use java's Timer utility to queue up backround processes to do the bundle indexing instead of JMS.
Turn this feature on with the following properties:
message bundle management
number of milliseconds before rechecking database for updates, the default is 30 secs