This should be OK in versions after 2.9 so I am closing this as a won't fix for now
Aaron Zeckoski June 19, 2013 at 6:59 AM
So, just to make sure I am understanding this correctly. The issue is no longer a problem in trunk so we can go ahead and close this ticket out right?
Aaron Zeckoski June 19, 2013 at 6:58 AM
From DH on KNL-1090: Just a note that caches created with EhCacheFactoryBean () still have statistics disabled this seems to be a spring issue that is fixed in spring 3.x when a new method:
was added to the bean
Matthew Buckett February 1, 2013 at 9:20 AM
org.sakaiproject.memory.util.EhCacheFactoryBean does correctly setup caches, however it requires the component manager to be running which can create a mess for tests.
With the upgrade to a newer version of EhCache in caches created through spring's EHCacheFactoryBean don't have statistics enabled any more.