Grading and Feedback needs to be condensed (Convert some radio buttons into select boxes per spec)


While it is great to see these three sections consolidated into one, without accompanying UI changes that were described in original spec, save button is hidden and this becomes hard to use. I have included the minimal number of changes on this screen that would allow users to not have to scroll vertically to click Save:
1) "Student identities" and "Recorded Score If Multiple Submissions per User" options should be put under one heading called Grading. Student identities should be changed to a checkbox and Recorded score to a pulldown
2) Feedback Authoring should be converted to a pulldown and that pulldown should be moved to the right of the heading
3) Feedback Delivery should be converted to a pulldown and that pulldown should be moved to the right of the heading.
4) If possible, date picker only appears if "Feedback will be displayed to the student at a specific date" is chosen. If a date is entered, but user changes pulldown to something else, that picker would ideally grey out.
5) Gradebook option has new text
6) Assessment type language should change (p. 4) so that it corresponds to new language in settings. However, can remain radio button selections instead of checkboxes if easier. (Feedback settings language has remained same, so no changes there)



Test Plan






Tiffany Stull August 18, 2017 at 8:28 AM

Sakai 11 and later versions have a completely different Settings screen layout from 2.9.  Other jiras have been created for improving Settings layout and behavior (will link).  Closing as no longer an issue.

Keli Amann April 11, 2014 at 4:27 PM

Karen I haven't done functional testing but it looks correct. Some minor nitpicks that would be great if possible

I wish the white space under the orange header could be about half as tall (this is true for the other 3 sections too).

Where it says "Send assessment score to Gradebook immediately, regardless of options below" --it would be better if this space was not there when the Gradebook is not selected and this option isn't there.

Keli Amann April 8, 2014 at 2:26 PM

If Released to "Anonymous" is selected in "Availability and Submissions" then all options in Grading and Feedback are grayed out because anon "tests" are more like polls--they are not tied to users, so users don't get feedback or grades. In 2.9, no explanation is given, but we would like to say "When assessment is released to anonymous, Grading and Feedback settings do not apply" as a yellow boxed alert beneath the "Grading and Feedback" heading.

Keli Amann March 13, 2014 at 1:48 PM

page 1 shows current, page 2 shows updates, page 3 shows current default assessment type, page 4 shows updates. Print spec for best results to see how old names and sections line up against new ones.

Keli Amann March 7, 2014 at 5:19 PM

1) "Student identities" and "Recorded Score If Multiple Submissions per User" options should be put under one heading called Grading. Student identities should be changed to a checkbox and Recorded score to a pulldown
2) Feedback Authoring should be converted to a pulldown and that pulldown should be moved to the right of the heading
3) Feedback Delivery should be converted to a pulldown and that pulldown should be moved to the right of the heading.
4) If possible, date picker only appears if "Feedback will be displayed to the student at a specific date" is chosen. If a date is entered, but user changes pulldown to something else, that picker would ideally grey out.
5) Gradebook option has new text
6) Assessment type language should change so that it corresponds to new language in settings. However, can remain radio button selections instead of checkboxes if easier. (Feedback settings language has remained same, so no changes there)







Affects versions


Created November 11, 2013 at 6:31 PM
Updated April 17, 2018 at 8:40 AM
Resolved August 18, 2017 at 8:28 AM