Modified question text in question pool item not reflected in re-published assessment

Sam Ottenhoff February 25, 2011 at 1:39 PM
Yes, let's table this item and just focus on where it sounds like we are on the same page.

Jacqueline Mai February 25, 2011 at 1:20 PM
Hi Sam,
I've been commenting on but didn't see your latest comment here. Sorry about that. I guess I was thinking along the line of what Sean proposed whereby an instructor could be given access to the snapshot of the pool where he could make simple edits like typos to content that exists within that snapshot - I wasn't considering allowing an instructor to add or remove questions or perform other actions that could result in major grading discrepancies. Since you're working on (which will only affect Pending copies), can we table making changes to published assessments using random draw pool for now? I need to switch gear to complete local design deadlines.

Sam Ottenhoff January 21, 2011 at 9:21 AM
> They do not care if an assessment is random-drawn or not. If they catch a typo after an assessment has been published, they want to fix it.
Hi Jackie,
I agree completely with your thoughts. Is this a ticket we can proceed on? Do you want to provide some more details on how you want this implemented?

Sean Baker January 21, 2011 at 6:55 AM
Is there a reason that the instructor can't just be given access to edit the duplicate pool from which the students' questions are being drawn? In our instance, they already understand that they have to edit the question twice if they're modifying a published assessment and understand the need for this, but it seems that giving an analogous functionality here would be what's best for both sides of the argument.

Jacqueline Mai November 22, 2010 at 11:54 AMEdited
Hi Sam and Lydia,
Instructors currently can make text changes to published non random-draw assessments so would probably find it confusing not to be able to make the same type of change to random-draw ones. They do not care if an assessment is random-drawn or not. If they catch a typo after an assessment has been published, they want to fix it. If we are to introduce text-editing to random-draw assessments, users would expect to have that capability in both places (published and unpublished). Users would not be happy if text editing is only allowed for unpublished but not published.


Bug use case: professor publishes random-draw assessment, finds errors in question text, withdraws assessment, fixes question pool text, and then republishes the assessment.
Problem: the original question text remains in the re-published assessment
Steps to replicate:
1) Create a question pool
2) Add one question to the new pool
3) Create an assessment "Random Draw 1"
4) Edit Part -> Random draw from pool -> Publish
5) Withdraw assessment
6) Modify the question pool question -> change the text
7) Go back to assessment and re-publish as "Random Draw 2"
8) Take the assessment as a student (or preview as an instructor)