Remove placeholder images added to ckeditor edit mode by audiorecorder plugin
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Matthew Jones November 21, 2017 at 9:55 AM
I think we can remove this old placeholder now. It seems to be causing more problems than it fixes.

Matthew Jones February 10, 2016 at 3:40 PM
Yeah, I think for now the only thing we really can do is just improve the instructions on the assignment to say something like "Click preview if response contains audio question responses"
I think that having to support older versions of IE at least through one more release will make this a non-starter. So I'm going to close the PR for now.

Kevin Takacs October 29, 2015 at 3:54 PM
Sorry just noticed all of these comments (joys of email migration). I have a few windows machines easily available to try your suggestion of using the placeholder for the object tag only but given the IE format support it kind of seems like a non-starter. Adding some text about using the preview button to the assignment grading instructions should work for that problem.
Let me know what you think.

Matthew Jones October 29, 2015 at 1:23 PM
Here's the page to test audio format support
IE Edge supports wav and mp3 only. IE 11 only supports mp3.

Matthew Jones October 23, 2015 at 4:18 PMEdited
This "might possibly" work if it was so only the <object> (cke:object) had a placeholder attached to it, if the css was working on all IE versions up to Edge to hide the audio tag ( like you mentioned)
Though I don't know if the css could hide the element correctly anyway in the CKEditor context for IE? I don't have a super easy way to test IE 10 or 11 at this point to see what it would do.
Another thing the placeholder images allowed is the right click context menu to work but doesn't do anything because we don't have audio or video plugins. ( I wanted to add both of those though and get rid of the "Strobe Player" plugin.
The Ckeditor audiorecorder plugin replaces the audio and object tags with placeholder images when in edit mode. If a student were to submit an assignment with audiorecorder content the placeholder images will prevent the instructor from listening to it on the grading page. Currently there is a work around that the instructor/grader could click the preview button to listen to the content.
I am submitting a PR to remove the placeholder image creation from audiorecorder/plugin.js.