dropbox ZIP should use Display names and not file names as labels for folders


Potentially, a drop box might contain several hundred folders, of possibly multiple items, for e.g. all students in a year cohort or applicants for a studentship. All of these may need to be downloaded by an administrator or reviewer for use offline.

This is covered by the ability to ZIP a Drop Box at the root folder level.

For this to actually be useful, there needs to be an option that gives the folders in the ZIP export useful names: the same names as the web UI should be used.

Indeed, there should be two export formats: the current format (EIDs?) (so that round tripping will still work) and a 'nice format' where readable names are used.

The labels should be

  • Compress to ZIP Archive (Can Be Reuploaded)

  • Compress to ZIP Archive (Readable Folder Names)

In addition, the on-screen display names should be changed to include the username in parentheses just in case there s more than one "John Smith" in a site, for example, the drop Box should have the following folders

+ .....
+ Smith, Jack (ouit0654)
+ Smith, John (hild0123)
+ Smith, John (kble0654)
+ Smith, Jonathan (wazo0987)
+ ......

If this massively over-complicates things then lets discuss what to do (such as use email address instead?)



Matthew Jones November 11, 2016 at 4:17 PM

I'm thinking this should be backported to 10, but feel like we should leave the default as it currently is (false), even if this default (true) seems a bit better.

Edit: I guess the new default is better, anyone using this won't miss it.







Created September 25, 2015 at 9:58 AM
Updated August 28, 2018 at 10:35 AM
Resolved October 19, 2015 at 4:16 AM