Add option to allow users to see group membership in site info

Shawn Foster April 23, 2014 at 4:48 PM
Tested and verified on nightly ( including the privacy preferences.
In the future, we may want to standardize the way members of groups are displayed on the Site Info main page: for "Groups you can join", they are listed in a cell in the groups table; for "Groups you are a member of", they are listed in the Membership modal box, like "Section you are a member of."
... standardization for another day...

Hudson CI Server April 23, 2014 at 1:07 AM
Integrated in sakai-trunk-java-1.7 #204 (See
group membership properties on experimental server (Revision 308500)
Result = SUCCESS

Sam Ottenhoff April 22, 2014 at 4:09 PM
No, it isn't set on any public instances. This will require local testing.

Shawn Foster April 22, 2014 at 3:53 PM
Sam or Bryan: do either of you know which environment has "preference.pages=prefs_tab_title, prefs_noti_title, prefs_timezone_title,
prefs_lang_title, prefs_privacy_title" set so I can test the hidden users part?

Shawn Foster April 17, 2014 at 2:20 PM
Yes, Sam, I'll take a look at it.
Add an option to the "Create New Group" and "Edit Group" pages to "Allow members to see the other members of this group" (figure 1). This option isn't specific to groups included in a joinable set; it will be an option for all groups in a site. However, the option will also have to be added to the joinable sets Create and Edit pages (figures 2 and 3): add an option to the "Create Joinable Set" page and to the "Edit Joinable Set" page to "Allow members to see the other members of these groups after joining" that will apply the property to all of the groups created with the set. These two options will allow a user who is a member of a group to see all of the other users in that group, essentially making the "Membership" link available to members of that group when the group's options is set (figure 4). This feature will contrast the other feature that allows a user to see a group's membership before joining.
Make sure to test "hidden users" (e.g. ferpa). To do this, set this
preference.pages=prefs_tab_title, prefs_noti_title, prefs_timezone_title,
prefs_lang_title, prefs_privacy_title
then go to a user's Preferences page and edit their privacy for the course. They should not show up in any of the membership lists for users who do not have one of these permissions: site.roster, roster.viewHidden (site level), roster.viewHidden (group level)