Character encoding breaks on edit
Peter Knoop October 30, 2005 at 8:51 AM
See for progress on this issue going forward.
Jim Eng August 16, 2005 at 2:49 PM
This issue is about problems handling certain characters in plain textareas, and seems to be about problems handing the same characters in the WYSIWYG editor.
Carol Dippel August 15, 2005 at 9:08 PM
Jon, pls. review and let me know if you're the correct assignee. As noted by reporter, it does appear to be a duplicate of SAK-1357. --C.
Former user August 11, 2005 at 12:22 PM
I may have duplicated a bug report, I found shortly after reporting this.
Anyway, I do still see the problem in the MySQL, Oracle (RC3) and HSQLDB sites at MIT.
Carol Dippel August 10, 2005 at 3:27 PM
Joseph, can you pls. verify whether this condition occurs on 2.0.1 on stable and whether it occurs on both MySQL & Oracle? The 2.0.1-RC3 is expected to be installed shortly. Thanks! --Carol
Stable Test Sites:
MySQL : 2.0.1-RC2
Oracle: 2.0.1-RC2
Oracle: 2.0.0-RC3
HSQLDB: 2.0.1-RC2
When entering foreign, non-western or accented characters into Sakai, it initially accepts and displays them properly. However, if you then edit the text, the character encoding is altered when the content is loaded into the editor resulting in corrupted text. This happens with documents formatted as either UTF-8 or Windows-1252 – starting with different document encodings merely changes how the corruption manifests, but the text will still be corrupted.
This is currently happening in Resources but happens in Melete too, and has been already reported (and apparently fixed in 2.01) in announcements. It seems to be pervasive, and probably happens in other tools as well. Not every tool currently allows the text to be edited afterwards (e.g., discussions) so that might mask the problem.
Possibly related bugs: - International characters display in WYSIWYG but lose all formatting once you revise/post - Unicode names not displayed correctly in all deployments - Cannot save a value in a field that has foreign chars as new field name in schedule
This issue makes teaching language and literature courses difficult if not impossible, and if an edited document is saved results in data loss (corruption of the foreign text within the document/announcment/whatever).
Using accented characters in a Resources document title is even worse, I'm filling that as a separate bug (