Tests & Quizzes: Tracking and reporting of delivery times for questions


The development shall add to the Tests & Quizzes tool of the Sakai LMS a functionality that will monitor the time taken by each student to answer each question and that will subsequently generate a report with statistical information both individually (see the time that each student has spent on each of the exam questions) and in general (minimum time, maximum time, average time and variation of the students who have obtained more than X grade in the exam). This report is available in a new tab “Time Analysis” after “Statistics” and “Item Analysis”

Original Description (Spanish): Monitorización de tiempo e informe
El desarrollo deberá añadir a la herramienta Tests & Quizzes (Exámenes) del LMS Sakai una funcionalidad que monitorizará el tiempo que tarda cada estudiante en responder a cada cuestión y que permitirá posteriormente generar un informe con información estadística tanto individual (ver el tiempo que cada alumno le ha dedicado a cada una de las preguntas de examen) como general (mínimo tiempo, máximo tiempo, tiempo medio y variación de los alumnos que han sacado más de X nota en el examen).


Test Plan:

  1. Create 3 tests in a site with at least 2 students:

    1. One with only timed questions and test

    2. Another with tracking configuration activated (it can be done from configuration > About this assessment > checkbox of track questions)

    3. The third with both configurations timed questions and tracking test

  2. In the second and the third test:

    1. as student send 2 or more attempts for each student

    2. check that in the start of the test show a new paragraph/section talking about the tracking

    3. shows a button on each question to start the question

  3. Now as teacher check that the amount of time in each question is correct in:

    1. Total score > each submission

    2. Questions (section) > each question

    3. Statistics of tests and questions (when the selector mark only best submissions and all submissions)





Automation for Jira September 2, 2024 at 11:20 AM

A pull request has been created, "SAK-50447 Tests & Quizzes: Tracking and reporting of delivery times for questions - Fix", you can see it at https://github.com/sakaiproject/sakai/pull/12838

Manu Fuster February 13, 2024 at 10:48 AM

In general, very good job. I have found a couple of issues related to one with the S2U-16 and another related to the timing when the exam closes without being submitted. is already working on correcting it.

Miguel Pellicer February 6, 2024 at 2:37 PM

Would you mind testing this please?

Juan David Massanet Puentes January 18, 2024 at 10:18 AM

Actualmente se puede ver tal que así:

En el apartado de “Preguntas” se ve así por pregunta:

  • Cuando no se realiza la pregunta se muestra un N/A

  • Si se proporciona la respuesta se muestra el tiempo tardado, haciendo distinción entre segundos, minutos y horas

Si hablamos dentro del apartado de “Notas“ > “usuario concreto“ podremos ver el tiempo usado para la pregunta, pero si no la responde no mostrará ese campo

Y dentro de “Estadísticas“ se muestran las estadísticas tanto generales como especificas (tiempo mínimo, medio y máximo)

Francisco Saez January 18, 2024 at 10:11 AM

Hola, y

os pregunto directamente a vosotros ya que figura que esto es petición vuestra.

¿Qué significa exactamente “variación de los alumnos que han sacado más de X nota en el examen”? ¿En qué pantalla debería mostrarse esto?








Created December 21, 2022 at 11:23 AM
Updated October 24, 2024 at 10:47 AM
Resolved February 6, 2024 at 8:46 AM