If Scantron file is imported in .csv, the three name columns ignored when in .xls format appear in the inmport frame as gb items
If Scantron file is imported in .csv, the three name columns (last_name, first_name, initial--ignored when in .xls format) appear in the import frame as gb items.
Do we even want to support importing CSV files as scantron?
Vernon O'Connor March 19, 2010 at 2:59 PM
1) Current situation: the Scantron file must always be in xls file format in order to be imported successfully.
From the Gradebook 2 - Importing Scantron Data PDF document: "Make sure that this file is on your local computer (the one you will be using to access SmartSite) and is in an Excel (.xls) format and not an Office Open XML Workbook format (.xlsx). The file you receive from the TRC will be in the proper format unless you have modified or re-saved the file."
2) Feature request (A): Allow the Scantron to be imported using csv file format.
3) Feature request (B): Allow the Scantron to be imported using xlsx file format.
James Renfro March 19, 2010 at 2:21 PM
As per discussion, this is now a "Feature Request".
If Scantron file is imported in .csv, the three name columns (last_name, first_name, initial--ignored when in .xls format) appear in the import frame as gb items.