Store the bulk of Gradebook structure in DB table and add reference id to import/export file - deprecate no structure import/export
Jon Gorrono January 30, 2012 at 9:02 PM
I added this 1.8.0 per our discussion today about this... and updated the description to hopefully reflect the partial implementation-focus that I took from that discussion
Thomas Amsler September 7, 2011 at 9:36 PMEdited
During today's review/estimation meeting, we have decided on the following design/implementation details.
We will create a new GB2 table that holds the gradebook2 export structure
DB fields: <generated ID (long)>, <gradebook UUID (String)>, <user UUID (String)>, <date>, <data JSON (Text/CLOB)>
The "external" structure is referenced in the exported file
We are not quite sure yet, on how to best reference the external structure. We will need Andy's, Trainer's, David's input. I have attached a couple of screen captures that show how we might reference the external structure
Reference should be "URL" like. One thing that we noticed is that if we actually use an URL, including the protocol (http://), then the cell interpretes it as a clickable URL and launches the browser if the user clicks on it by accident. This is not desired, because it can confuse the user.
We also discussed the inclusion of "excused", which is a user/grade/excused tripple similar to comments. We are not sure if the user is allowed to modify the "excused" flag via the import process. Maybe we should handle it similar to comments, where we ask the user during the export process to include/exclude that column?
deprecate import and export of no-structure (whole) gradebook files... this would not effect scantrons, which are individual items.
create a table to store gradebook structure (or metadata for finding it) and include/parse an id/pointer for that during import/export
this ticket
1) will not be a full implementation of the idea of indirectly referencing the gradebook structure,
2) will be deprecating the import of no-structure, but will not be disallowing it under this ticket: that will be deferred to a later release
3) will disallow the export of no-structure gradebooks