for scantron, after initial import, if you import a re-scan you cannot rename it to write over the original
- 05 Aug 2011, 04:09 PM
- 26 Jul 2011, 06:16 PM
David Woods August 8, 2011 at 11:54 AM
QA Test
In NC, C, and WC gradebooks, imported scantron (to an existing category in C and WC GBs), then imported scantron rescore and set to same item name. All gradebook types allowed me to overlay the existing item with new scores.
QA Pass
Thomas Amsler August 5, 2011 at 2:19 PMEdited
My Test Results:
1. Import Scantron into "No Categories", "Points" gradebook
1.1 : Initial import : PASS
1.2 : Second import using new name : PASS
1.3 : Third import overwrite existing Scantron import: PASS
2. Import Scantron into "Categories", "Points" gradebook
2.1 : initial import : PASS
2.2 : Second import using new name : PASS
2.3 : Third import selecting same name as as original import: This created a second grade item in the Unassigned category with the same name. See attached screen capture (GRBK-1079-1.png) : Is this supposed to happen? I though it should override the existing Scantron item.
... still working on this ...
Jon Gorrono July 28, 2011 at 6:40 PM
added BusinessLogicCode.NoDuplicateItemNamesRule to list of rules that generate status 401
and changed text for scantron import warning about name collisions
Jon Gorrono July 28, 2011 at 4:47 PMEdited
added ignoredBusinessRule field to ImportSettings.. that led to the overwrite dialog being ineffectual....forgot to add that info during refactor to use ImportSettings
Jon Gorrono July 28, 2011 at 4:27 PM
confirmed that no cat's gb's fail to accept the name change
also trunk has a problem with the force overwrite dialog... it is working as if the force flag is not making it to the server. Prod is fine
I'm focusing on these two areas
on DEV, if you import a scantron and re-do it, you're forced to accept the import of a 2nd version with -1 appended to the name.
so you have two items in the gradebook.
the implication (@ import from the popup) is that you can re-name the re-import to write over the original.
however, if you re-name it, you'll get a popup that says you already have an item of that name.
consequently you can't write over the original to have only one item after re-import.
on PROD, re-import works differently and you can re-name to write over the original.
you even get a popup warning of the overwrite.
so there's an inconsistency in function here.