Portfolio (OSP) Meetings

Portfolios in Sakai Conference Call

We will use email during February and March 2015 to determine a suitable time for the Sakai Portfolio Community meetings. Please look for announcements on the portfolio list or contact janice.smith@threecanoes.com for more information.


We will be using Calliflower, to better facilitate international participation (via local telephone numbers).

To call in using your phone, look up your local Calliflower number at https://apps.calliflower.com/account/call_in_numbers?organizer=373124                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Call your local Calliflower number at 9 AM EDT (see corresponding times above) and provide the following conference code: 422-4177

NOTE: You can use Skype to call into Calliflower. Just search Skype for "calliflowerskype" and use that contact to call in and enter the conference code.

.If you have any issues calling in, email janice.smith@threecanoes.com to report the problem.

Ongoing agenda items include:

  1. Access to revised OSP Help in Sakai KB
  2. Karuta Open Source Portfolio - Apereo Incubation Project
  3. Migration path from OSP to Karuta
  4. Feel free to add additional Items!


OSP Technical Status:

Resolved issues for 2.9.

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

High Priority Open Issues
type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Pending Development Work

  1. Sakai/OSP Maintenance Status (Bug fixes can be verified on the following QA servers :  Nightly Build (HSQLDB) or Nightly build (Oracle).
    1. SAK-18766 Erratic Stickiness of Group and User, No page update after Manage Status in Matrices tool (UMICH).
  2. Sakai Development Status
    1. SAK-19184 OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when English is not the default locale) - Part 2.
    2. SAK-16693 Roster Synchronization (pending adding optional flag, branch, test server review and trunk merge).
    3. SAK-19469 Allow coordinators to view unpublished forms added/owned by another coordinator
    4. SAK-19466 Unpublished forms not available to other coordinators in Portfolio Templates toolOSP Community Prioritization of Open Issues.
    5. OSP Jira FIlters.
  3. On the back burner.
    1. Independent OSP release cycle: action items moving forward.

Minutes from Past OSP Face-to-Face Meetings