CSUN 2006 Conference

CSUN 2006 Conference

Two presentations were particularly relevant to Sakai, one by Victor Tsaran and Nate Koechley on Yahoo!'s work with accessible DHTML and AJAX and another by IBM's Becky Gibson on JavaScript and AJAX Accessibility. Yahoo! has made a number of their JS widgets available, and will continue to do so.

Copies of the presentations haven't been posted yet, but I've attached Becky's slides.

Here are three links that describe the highlights of the conference:

Rich Schwerdtfeger's (IBM) blog: http://www-03.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/schwer?entry=csun_2006_wrap_up_theme

Info about how XHTML 2 will facilitate accessibility by incorporating

  • Role attribute and Meta modules
  • Access key replacement called the access element:


Frank Hecker's (Mozilla) Blog: http://www.hecker.org/mozilla/csun-2006-conference-report