Creating evaluations

  1. Click the Add Evaluation link at the top
  2. Fill in the Title and Instructions and choose the Template to use for this evaluation.
  3. Click the Continue to Settings button.  There are several settings to define for delivering the evaluation:  Evaluation Dates, Evaluation results viewable by, Administrative Settings, Evaluation Extras, Evaluation Reminders.
  4. For Evaluation Dates
    1. Set the Start Date (Users may begin submitting evaluation responses on this date.)
    2. Set the Due Date (Evaluation ends on this date, no more responses after this date.)
    3. Set Stop Date (Users may still submit responses up until this date - defines a grace period).
    4. Set the View Date (Results are not viewable until this date.)
  5. For Evaluation results viewable by
    1. Indicate if you want results to be Private
  6. For Administrative settings
    1. Select the type of Authentication control setting to use for this evaluation
    2. Set the Instructor opt in setting
  7. For Evaluation Extras
    1. Enter a Category name.  This is used to group related evaluations and for the category view.
  8. For Evaluation Reminders
    1. A default notification email is sent to out to all students assigned to an evaluation the morning of the day the evaluation goes live.  Click the View/Edit the notification email? link to edit this notification email.
    2. Select the Email reminder to non-respondent students interval.
    3. A default reminder email is sent out to all students who have not yet completed the evaluation at the interval specified above.  Click the View/Edit the reminder email? link to edit this reminder email.
    4. Fill in the Email From/Reply-to Address: if different from the system setting.
  9. Click the Continue to Assign to Courses button
  10. Select the courses that will use this evaluation
  11. Click the Save Assigned Groups button.  You will see each group with their associated enrollments listed.
  12. Click the Done button