Gradebook Review 08-03-2007

Gradebook status August 3, 2007

Present: Lance Speelmon, Brian Donnelly, Kirk Alexander

Since there were no other participants, Lance just gave Kirk
and Brian an update on the Indiana work this summer and their
plans for their own release August 16, 2007. A new tag
marking this work will be released by them in the next couple of days.

We propose Friday the 14th as next VTC and hope for full participatio in order to discuss final plans for the 2.5 release

Last Saturday's version with a lot of bug fixes
Version they announced isn't tagged yet...they could do so

From a subversion perspective look at indiana's externals file and pull a version if necessary.

For letter grading scale there were some changes to DB tables
He thinks there is no data conversion necessary

They started integrating assignments more tightly but uncovered some issue
That couldn't be solved before start of semester so punted on this.
Switched over to additional functionality
Grade letter scale did make it in
Have to sit down from functional spec and really dig into that

The thing they are wrapping up for aug 16th release
Additional permissions and rules you can assign
Based off needs for very large classes (400-500) - lots of TA's
Built on sectioning work that UCB did and added more
Can go into GB and advanced settings
Rules: smart playlist in itunes. One individual can only assignments in a particular category
Large combined site: restrict a TA to just their sections
I trust TA's to grade homework vs just grade exams
Also TA's can be restricted to just a secton
4 dropdowns: person, action(view/grade), category+section or just category or just section

nothing yet on drop lowest grade

idea of creating an ungraded item - looked at it but not done. - just a way to provide feedback but not part of grade

gradebook item helper (was part of assignments integration) not clear we need that

downloaded spreadsheet template.
One issue uncovered: with different grading scale; export to csv just gives 50 (not clear if 50pts or 50 %

Lance is excited about us running it
He will give us all help we need: have us call or email

They are 3 weeks

What is needed for 2.5

Regroup next month
They will look at what faculty priorities committee
Assignments work will be high on list
He would be interested in whether there is overlap in some of those areas
Come up for air mid-september
Integration assignments and gb is still a bit awkward

Samigo - api's they are using will continue to work but they could get better if they improved it

Lance responded to discussion this week on synchronizing samigo/gb and Assignments

Propose Friday the 14th as next VTC.