once a search set is chosen from a drop-down, a list of databases with checkable boxes is presented.
user has the ability to pick and choose up to a set number of databases to search concurrently.
Search flow through the Repository OSID implementation (ROI) for metasearch engines (MetaLib, SingleSearch)
search targets are selected
search query is entered
search is called against ROI method, getAssetsBySearch()
decision needs to be made - getAssetsBySearch() needs a defined query syntax
we can either tailor this syntax to every target that we search, or use a standard, such as CQL
getAssetsBySearch() builds the query, and using configuration settings, initiates the marshalling of the query to be sent to the selected target
Steve has got this marshalling done for Sirsi and a number of other targets
this code is primarily an HTTP connection management/transport setup
after marshalling, query is sent to the metasearch engine
metasearch engine does its work
decision needs to be made - MetaLib can support asynchronous searches (we can get records back before the entire search is done), but we're not sure if Sirsi can.
metasearch engine returns results
the ROI un-marshalls the results and packages them into Assets, Records, Parts
decision needs to be made - what will be our Assets, RecordStructures, PartStructures?
Assets will be used to populate Jim's Citations
decision needs to be made - will the entire result set be a CitationCollection?
decision needs to be made - will the Assets be used to present results or the Citations?
Results formatting
decision needs to be made - what sorting options can we provide?
number of results (i.e. 10, 20, 30, etc.)
by database (i.e. top 20 from ProQuest)
first name/last name problem...
we will probably have to decide this once we start getting some results, displaying them and seeing our options with the two different metasearch engines
Jim is looking for a basic HTML wireframe of what the results will look like
attach Jim's whiteboard image...
What can we do with the search technology?
what do results look like (i.e. year, author, etc.)