June 2008 Usability Testing Recommendations Grid

June 2008 Usability Testing Recommendations Grid

This page is most easily edited in Rich Text mode.
Issues that are out of our control are in colored text.






Participants frequently had a great deal of difficulty locating the homepage of a section after drilling deeper into the section. For example, participants in the 'Resources' section would click a link in the main content ('Upload-Download Multiple Resources', 'Permissions', 'Options'), or begin editing an item and then use the left navigation options to continue exploring the site. When they would return to the 'Resources' section, the resources homepage would not be displayed. The user had no idea what had happened to their list of resources or how to locate it again. In several cases, the facilitator had to get the user back to the section homepage in order to continue with the session.

The system 'remembers' where the user was when they leave a section and takes them back to that lower level page when they return to the section. Linking to different pages within a section from the left navigation is very confusing to users. This issue will be especially problematic for new users who have not developed a good mental model of the system and who are exploring the system to see what functionality is available. Users are unlikely to understand that they have arrived at a lower level page within the section.

1. Always link the items in the left navigation to the homepage of the associated section. 2. Do not take the user to a lower level page within the section from the main navigation.

Sakai issue

On many screens, the only way to return to the section homepage is to use the 'reset' icon next to the section title, or to use the browser back button. The link associated with the section was not active so users would purposefully select another option in the left navigation to try and reactivate the link. Unfortunately, due to the issues described above, participants were unable to return to the section home.

The 'reset' icon looks like a standard screen 'refresh' icon, so users are unlikely to click this in order to return to the section homepage. See Appendix 'E'.
Using the browser 'back' button may cause data loss and/or other issues in the system.

3. Remove the 'reset' icon.
4. On all lower level section pages (every page within a section other than the section homepage):

  • Link the section title to the homepage of that section.
  • Reactivate the section link in the left navigation and link to the section homepage.

Sakai issue

On the homepage of the 'Resources' section, navigational links are presented directly below the screen title. When the user clicks one of the links, some or all of the horizontal navigation options disappear. See Appendix 'F'.

The horizontal navigation items look like sub-sections of the 'Resources' area and should be available from each of the sub-sections.
The lack of navigational options from some of the sub-sections further exacerbates the problem of returning to a section homepage described above.

5. Display the horizontal navigation links on all sub-sections.

Sakai issue

Screen Layout & Design





Participants had difficulty creating an empty citation list and giving it a title. After locating and clicking the 'add citation list' in the 'add' dropdown, the user is taken to a search screen. The only options available (other than searching) are 'Edit Citation List' and 'Cancel Citation List'. If the user clicks 'Edit Citation List' s/he is taken to a screen with the following three options: 'Finish', 'Add Citation to List', and 'Cancel Citation List'.

The workflow process for creating and naming an empty list is not clearly presented to users.

6. When the user creates a new list, take them to the 'Edit Details' screen and allow them to enter a title and any other optional data they want to include.
7. Provide the following options on the 'Edit Details' screen: 'Search & Add Citations', 'Save & Return to Resources', and 'Cancel'.

None - the use case of creating and naming an empty list is not a common one.

Many participants had difficulty adding citations because they were looking for a 'search' tool. After discovering where the search was located, most users were able to find the search functionality again. However, several participants had repeated difficulty understanding the organization of the citation list functionality.

Users are unlikely to initially associate 'Edit Citation List' with their goal of searching for citations to add. Within edit mode, users also bypassed 'Add Citations to List' thinking this was where they needed to go to enter citations they had already found.

8. Add an option to the 'Actions' dropdown on the 'Resources' screen labeled 'Search' or 'Search & Add Citations'.
9. From the above link, take the user directly to the 'Add Citations' page with the search options.
10. Change the button label on the 'Edit Citation List' screen from 'Add Citations to List' to 'Search & Add Citations'.

On Edit Citation List screen, possibly replace "Add Citations to List" button with three buttons: "Search for more citations", "Import citations", and "Enter Citation"

On the 'Resources' screen, the root folder icon is always displayed as a closed folder.

Users will not understand that items displayed below the folder are actually contained in the folder if the fold looks closed. Users may also repeatedly click on the icon to try and open the folder. Common web convention is to display a closed folder if the contents are not listed and an open folder if the contents are being shown.

11. When the contents of a folder are displayed, use an open folder icon.

Sakai issue

When a new research guide is created, it is given the title 'Untitled Guide' until the user edits it. When the user click on the title to view the guide, the title is displayed "Untitled (click to edit)". Participants did not understand why the system did not respond to their click.

The '(click to edit)' text should not be displayed on the view only screen. Users following the directions will become frustrated when the system does not respond to their clicks.

12. Remove the '(click to edit)' text in the title bar when in display mode.


When citations are displayed within the Research Guide or when a participant views a citation list, both the article title and the IU-Link text link to IU-Link.

It is not necessary to provide two links to the IU-Link screen.
Providing two links to the same information will frustrate users that take time to click both links only to find they go to the same information.

13. Retain the 'IU-Link' link under the article information.
14. Do not link the article title. Display the title as plain text, using bold font. See Appendix 'G'.

None, but if title link is overridden, do not display the same link again underneath as "Related Link"

Participants did not see the instructions on the Google Scholar screen that explain how to import items into the system.

The screenshot of the search results (used for instructions) blends in with the Google Scholar interface and users are not aware that it is instructions for use.

15. Highlight the instructions by:

  • Displaying the heading in larger, bold font.
  • List the 3 instructions vertically rather than horizontally.
  • Refer to the screenshot in step number two, so users will know where to locate the import link.
  • Circle the 'Import into Oncourse' link in the screenshot.16. Display the screenshot at a smaller size so it is clearly an image and not part of the actual Google Scholar interface.
    See Appendix 'H'.

Google issue

When looking for the link to full text on the IU-Link screen, participants were confused by the multiple links presented. In some cases, multiple links to 'article' were displayed and it is unclear what the difference is. See Appendix 'I'.

IU-Link presents a number of links (in some cases) under headings 'Links to content' and 'Resource'. Although the additional links may be helpful to some users, providing an obvious link directly to the full text would help the majority of users find what they are looking for.

17. Provide a clearly marked link to view the full text of the article below the 'Full text is available via the following' header.
18. Continue to provide the additional links currently offered. Display them below the full text link with a header such as 'Additional Resources'

IU-Link issue






Participants did not understand the difference between the 'copy' and 'duplicate' features in the 'Actions' dropdown list(s) on the 'Resources' screen. When participants selected 'copy' they were unable to determine what the system did, how to access the copied item, or what their next step should be. Several participants thought the 'copy' feature just didn't work.
In addition, when the user selects 'duplicate', the resulting object is titled 'copy of <title>'.

The distinction between 'copy' and 'duplicate' is not clear. In addition, labeling the duplicated object as 'copy of...' compounds user confusion.
The system should assist the user in completing their task by leading them to the next step.

19. If both 'duplicate' and 'copy' are necessary, change the labels so they better indicate the differing functionality.
20. If the user selects' duplicate', label the new object 'duplicate of...'.
21. For features such as 'copy' and 'move', provide a pop-up window to guide the user to a next step. Within that window, allow the user to specify where to 'move' or 'copy' the item to.

Sakai issue

The term 'delete' is used on some screens (for example research guides) and the term 'remove' is used on others (in the 'Actions' dropdown on the 'Resources' screen).

Although both terms are clear, one term for this functionality should be decided upon and used throughout the system. Users will understand the system more easily if the same functionality is labeled the same throughout the system and different functionalities have different labels.

22. Use the term 'delete' consistently throughout the system.







When using Google Scholar in the citation list tool, the instructions state "2. Click "Import into Oncourse"", the screenshot shows "Import into Sakai", and the actual search results states "Import into Oncourse".

Providing instructions and examples that are consistent with how the system actually works will help users learn more quickly.

23. Provide consistent labels throughout the system and make sure the 'Help' text, screenshots, and instruction use the same labels the user will see when completing the task.

Google issue

In the 'Research Guide', the screen that opens when participants clicked 'Add Citation List' is titled 'Edit Citation List'.

Similarly, the following screen (citation list selection screen) is titled 'Add Citations'.

The screen title should match the label of the link clicked and the user's goal - in this case, 'Add Citation List'. Providing screen titles that closely match link labels and associated tasks will help to avoid confusion and increase user confidence in the system.

24. Change the screen titles on the pop-up windows to 'Add Citation List'.


System/Feature Functionality





After a user selects 'Import into Oncourse' from the Google Scholar search results, they are taken to a screen with the options 'Back to Google Scholar' and 'Close Window'. Many participants did not understand that the citation had already been added to their list and were hesitant to go back to the results or close the window for fear of losing their citation.

The 'citation saved to "<title>"' text is frequently missed by the user. The users' eye is drawn to the buttons, which act as a focal point on the page and the options provided do not suggest that the citation was saved.
Displaying the confirmation message in close proximity to the action buttons may increase the likelihood that users will see it.

25. To highlight the confirmation message:

  • Change the text to 'Citation Added to <title>'.
  • Increase the font size of the 'Citation added..' text.
  • Display the 'Citation added...' message directly above the buttons.See Appendix 'J'.

Implement Recommendation 25

Participants were surprised that they did not get a confirmation message when they deleted a research guide.

Confirm all actions that will result in the user losing data. This will help prevent errors, as well as giving the user a sense of confidence in exploring the system.

26. Provide a confirmation screen when the user clicks the 'delete' link next to a research guide. Give the user the option to proceed with or cancel the process.


Participants repeatedly clicked on the citation list title to edit the item.

Users are likely to expect to open and edit the list by clicking on the item name.
In addition, requiring the user to return to the resources screen, open the dropdown, and select 'edit citation list' is a cumbersome process.
Providing a shortcut to edit mode from the view only page introduces other problems, such as having multiple edit windows open for the same document. Opening the list in the existing window would be problematic for users that may want to view a list while working on something else in the system.

27. Although this was somewhat frustrating to users, no change is recommended due to complications that would arise from possible 'fixes'.

Sakai issue?

Participants were unsure what the system did or what their next action should be after selecting 'copy' or 'move' from the 'Actions' dropdown list on the resources page.

When the user's action does not produce any obvious results, the user is likely to assume the functionality did not work - as in the case of 'copy'. Likewise, when the action has an effect, but it is not clear what the next step is (as in 'move'), users are likely to be frustrated.

28. Provide a pop-up window that will allow the user to specify the location to copy or move the item to. Allow the user to rename the item.

Sakai issue 

Participants frequently went to the 'Help' section if they did not know how to accomplish a task. Participants were frustrated that 'research guides' could not be found in the 'Help' section.

Users will rely on the 'Help' section when they cannot figure out how to accomplish their goals.

29. As development of the new research guide tool continues, be sure to include appropriate help documentation in the 'Help' section.


In the 'Research Guide', a 'cancel' option is not given after clicking on the 'New Guide' link.

The system should allow the users to cancel rather than forcing them to create an unwanted object and then delete it.

30. Provide a 'cancel' button on the 'Create Research Guide' screen.


When the user initially creates a new research guide, the only option available is labeled 'add guide'. Participants did not understand how to save the guide they just created.

Users are likely to interpret the 'add guide' button as a feature to add another research guide rather than as a means to save the guide they are currently editing.

31. Change the 'add guide' label to 'save'.


After a guide is saved and the user goes in to edit the content, the only option available is 'update guide'.

Users may make mistakes when editing and want to cancel their changes.
Using clear, simple, consistent labels for features will help users understand the functionality.

32. When the user is editing an existing guide, provide the options 'save' and 'cancel'.


Although the title bar on the research guide is clearly marked 'click to edit', many participants had a great deal of difficulty giving their guide a title.

In some cases, the system did not respond to the user clicking on the title bar and so the user did not understand what was wrong or what they were supposed to do.
In other cases, users clicked below the title bar and entered a title in the text area that appeared. They then were confused as to why the guide was still untitled after updating.

33. Be sure the system responds appropriately to user actions.
34. Continue to provide the 'click to edit' text for all untitled guides (when in edit mode).
35. When the user initially creates a new guide, open the new guide screen with the title field active so the user can immediately enter a title.


Adding a citation list to the research guide is a confusing and cumbersome process. When adding a citation list to a research guide, the citation list selection screen displays the 'Add' dropdown list that interacts with the 'Resources' section. After the user selects a citation list to add to the research guide, they are taken to a screen with instructions: "Select an existing resource or add a new one. Click "Continue" when done." A list of other items is displayed but no actions can be taken on any of these items. The options available to the user are 'remove', 'continue', 'cancel' and 'X'.

Allowing the user to create a new resource from within the screen where a citation list is selected causes confusion and makes the task more complex than necessary.
After selecting an item, it is confusing to the user to see instructions asking them to select.
The list of other items in the user's folder is unnecessary and gives the impression that additional actions can or should be taken.
It is unclear what the difference is between 'remove', 'cancel' and 'X'. The terminology does not help the user differentiate between the features and all three options are not necessary.

36. Remove the 'add' dropdown from the citation selection screen.
37. Consider adding another option to the 'add' dropdown displayed when a user clicks 'add new item' in the research guide. Provide the option to 'create new resource' and take the user to a screen with options for creating a new citation list, text page, HTML page, etc.
38. After the user selects an item, display a simple confirmation screen with the item title and the actions 'Continue', 'Back', and Cancel'. See Appendix 'K'.


It would be helpful if the items in the research guide could be rearranged after they were created.

Users are likely to want to rearrange items. Providing a simple method for reordering the items would save users time and help them accomplish their goals more efficiently.

39. Provide functionality so that users can drag and drop items to new locations within the research guide.


Participants did not understand how to remove items that appeared when they clicked between/below items previously added to the screen.

Although clicking a different location or saving the guide and coming back in eliminates these items, users do not understand the functionality and are unhappy that an extra, unwanted item is displayed.

40. Consider provided a 'delete item' option in the 'add...' dropdown menu.


System/Browser Issues





In the 'Research Guide' edit mode, the mouse cursor changes to text mode in some active areas. Specifically, this behavior can be seen when the mouse hovers over a section heading, or is placed in between the research guide items to activate the blue bar.

The mouse cursor should change to the active state so users know they can click on the section to initiate an action.

41. Update the code so that the active areas of the page will initiate the active mouse cursor.