
Contrib: Sign-Up

Lead(s): Former user (Deleted)


A tool that allows users to organize office hours, review sessions, study groups and similar activities.

Ā View Demo: https://classesv2docs.yale.edu/cmi/classesv2/my_workspace/features/video_scheduling_office_hours.html

The Latest Announcement for Sign-up tool!

1) Great news for Signup tool users: The Signup tool is officially becoming a core tool in Sakai 10. The source code will be a part of the Sakai source code download process.

2) The Sign-up tool has a new release on Jan. 28, 2014 ( View release details ). Branches are available for Sakai 2.8, 2.9 and Sakai 10. Yale is currently running the tool in production with Sakai 2.8.x.

Source code: download sign-up tool

SQL scripts:

JIRA: http://jira.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SIGNUP

Permissions Setup: Permissions Setup

Configuration Setup: Configuration Setup

User Help Information: SignUpHelp_GH_Final.doc
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  SignUpHelp_2.7.html

User Manual: SignupUserManual.pdf (-outdated)


Requirements Discussion - Please post suggested requirements or use cases here
Use Cases


Interested in participating? Add your name here:
Peter Liu, Yale University peter2liu@gmail.com
Jemin Lee, Yale University jemin.lee@yale.edu
Shaowei Zhang, Yale University shaowei.zhang@yale.edu
Osman Din, Yale University osman.din@yale.edu
Parthee Partheepan, Yale University rparthee@yahoo.com
Andrew Zygmunt, Yale University andrew.zygmunt@yale.edu
David Hirsch, Yale University david.hirsch@yale.edu
Gloria Hardman, Yale University gloria.hardman@yale.edu
Adam Marshall, Oxford University adam.marshall@oucs.ox.ac.uk
Harriet Truscott, Cambridge University Former user (Deleted)
Former user (Deleted)
Former user (Deleted), Whitman College ostermmg@whitman.edu
Former user (Deleted)
Francette Myburgh, Unisa fmyburgh@unisa.ac.za
Steve Faith, University of California, DavisĀ faith@ucdavis.edu
Former user (Deleted), Yale University michael.appleby@yale.edu (lead emeritus)

Status and Plans:

We just have a new release with new features and bug fixing for Sign-up tool on Dec. 15, 2009 (see JIRA SIGNUP-40 ).