Portfolio Design Requirements

Portfolio Design Requirements (Sakai 3)

Feature Title

Feature Description


Portfolio Site Type

Tag all sites with sakai:siteType that could be set to "portfolio","project","course". This tag will be the basis for enabling/disabling much of the functionality described here.


Structured Data Widgets (Forms)

Structured Data Widgets are a basic building block needed for Expressive Portfolio pages, Workflow Pages, Structured Evaluation and Feedback.


Publish Portfolio Site

Public Portfolio Sites need an option to be published & viewed without Sakai login, navigation or branding. Portfolio site duplication may be leveraged to provide a "publishing" option that renders the portfolio widget data as read-only. Publishing should not be allowed if there is any undefined required data. Publishing should involve copying (not referencing) dependent content to guarantee persistence.


Site Duplication

Portfolio sites need the option to be optionally duplicated, along with their content, allowing for students to modify the duplicated portfolio site to tailor it to a different audience.


Portfolio Site Export & Print Translation

Portfolio sites must be exportable such that they may be displayed outside the context of Sakai, and must also have an option to print the site in it's entirety.


Cross-Site Page Duplication

Portfolio sites need the ability to create a page from portfolio-site-A in portfolio-site-B.


Restricted Site Edits

Portfolio sites, created from templates, need to optionally restrict the user from adding or removing pages.


Portfolio Site Sharing

While sites can currently be shared with individual users, there needs to be an option to share with a group or with an external user, along with email notification.


Structured Feedback

Portfolio sites, presentation pages, workflow pages and content must have the option to attach Structured Feedback (based on above Structured Data Widgets). Content owners would optionally receive notification of attached Structured Feedback. Permission to attach Structured Feedback could optionally be restricted by user or group. Available Structured Feedback Form(s) would be pre-defined by authorized users.


Unstructured Feedback

Portfolio sites, presentation pages, workflow pages and content must have the option to attach Unstructured Feedback. Content owners would optionally receive notification of attached Unstructured Feedback. Permission to attach Unstructured Feedback could optionally be restricted by user or group.


Inline Feedback

Portfolio content and/or Structured Data Forms must support inline comments from authorized users.


Structured Evaluation

Portfolio sites, presentation pages, workflow pages and content must have the option to attach Structured Evaluation (based on above Structured Data Widgets). Content owners would optionally receive notification of attached Structured Evaluation. Permission to attach Structured Evaluation would be restricted by user or group. Available Structured Evaluation Form(s) would be pre-defined by authorized users.


Unstructured Evaluation

Portfolio sites, presentation pages, workflow pages and content must have the option to attach Unstructured Evaluation. Content owners would optionally receive notification of attached Unstructured Evaluation. Permission to attach Unstructured Evaluation would be restricted by user or group.


Inline Evaluation

Portfolio content and/or Structured Data Forms must support inline comments from authorized users.


Structured Reflection

Portfolio sites, presentation pages, workflow pages and content must have the option to attach Structured Reflections (based on above Structured Data Widgets). Available Structured Reflection Form(s) would be pre-defined by authorized users.


Unstructured Reflection

Portfolio sites, presentation pages, workflow pages and content must have the option to attach Unstructured Reflections (e.g. "reflect anywhere")


Web Services Site Query

A web service query must provide a list of public portfolio sites and site attributes (for outside aggregation in a "portfolio gallery").





Content Tagging




Concurrent user performance must be load tested and optimized for "large" numbers of concurrent users (target numbers tbd)
