EduTools - Sakai 2.5

Work in progress...

The EduTools review of Sakai 2.5 was submitted on March 22nd. Once this is vetted by the Edutools staff, we expect it to appear here. If you are familiar with functionality being added to the 2.6 release, please contribute details on the Edutools 2.6 page. Thanks to everyone who reviewed the information below and made comments or contributions.

Sakai 2.5 Review Details


Discussion Forum

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can enable or disable posts to be sent to their email.


Students can receive posts by email as daily digests of subject lines or whole posts.


Students can subscribe to forum RSS feeds.


A spell-checker is available for student and instructor responses.

Additional Comments:

The Forums tool supports threaded conversations categorized by forums created by an instructor. Forums can be created based upon template settings that determine access controls, moderation ability, and permissions for users in designated roles. Forums can be organized and rearranged at any time by an instructor. Instructors can view statistics on individual student participation.  Participation can be graded and grades sent to the Sakai gradebook tool. Forums can be printed out from the screen.

JForum (Forum and Private Message Tool) is a forum based discussion tool that supports an unlimited number of discussion forums sorted into categories that are created and managed by an instructor. Posts in JForum can be plain text, formatted text or html and can include attachments, images or URLs. Instructors can associate a discussion with course content in other tools. Discussion forums may be group based if desired and instructors can determine the level of student involvement in each forum. Instructors may moderate discussions at the forum level. Discussion threads are expandable and collapsible to view an entire conversation on a single screen. Instructors can limit discussions to specific time periods.
Access to forums can be restricted to designated groups.

Users can enable or disable posts being sent to their email. Users can maintain a separate user profile. Instructors or students can send either an internal private message or an external email to the author of a post from within the reply screen. Users can connect directly to Yahoo messenger from within the reply screen and send an instant message. Users can request notification when a reply to their post is made. Topics may be searched by title or content. Graphic indications display recent topics. Users can bookmark forums, watch forums or designate them as "sticky". Users can mark all topics as Read.

Jforum supports grading of discussion forums and topics, optionally integrated with Sakai's gradebook. It also offers forum facilitators the ability to view the number of posts per student in a forum or the number of replies in a post - and to view one's contributions collectively one one page.

Discussion Management

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can allow students to create discussion groups.


Instructors can set up moderated discussions where all posts are screened.


Posts may be peer reviewed by other students.


Instructors can view statistical summaries of discussions displaying participation which can be used to generate grades.


Discussions can be shared across courses, departments, or any institutional unit.

Additional Comments:

Additional Discussion Management Features:

* Forums can be made visible/invisible on a designated date.
* Forums can be locked/unlocked on a certain date (can read but not post).
* Forums and categories can be sorted.
* Unlimited forum and category creation.
* Supports sticky and announcement topics.
* User control of email notification and profile options.
* Bookmark functionality for favorite topics.
* Search functionality across a site's forums.
* "Watch" functionality for hot topics.
* Mark discussion as read functionality.
* Ability to move, delete, lock, and unlock topics.
* Ability to lock a topic, allowing users to read topic postings, but not respond.
* Ability to restrict a forum and/or topic to a specific group or section.
* Ability to grant fine grained permissions on a role or group basis.
* Support for 12 foreign languages.
* Grading of discussion forums and topics, optionally integrated with Sakai's Gradebook.
* Ability for facilitators to see number of posts per student in a forum or number of replies in a post.
* Ability to view one's contributions collectively on one page.
Permissions include:
o Category access
o Forum access
o Ability to post Sticky, Announcements, or Task topics
o Read only Forums
o Enable Bookmarks
o Enable Attachments
o Allow Download of existing attachments
o Ability to set number of allowed attachments, file upload size, and types of
allowable attachment extensions.
o Set users as moderators
o Disallow moderation in specific forums
o Ability for roles edit, delete, move, lock and unlock topics


* Ability to create a template for permissions at the forum level and use that template for related topics.
* Ability to lock a topic, allowing users to read topic postings, but not respond.
* Ability to restrict a forum and/or topic to a specific group or section.
* Ability to grant fine grained permissions on a role, group or section basis.
Permissions include:
o New forum
o New topic
o New response
o Response to response
o Change settings
o Read
o Post to gradebook
o Mark as read
o Revise none, own or all postings
o Ability to set a default gradebook assignment for a topic
o Ability to save a draft of a forum and its topics

File Exchange

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can submit assignments using drop boxes.


Students can share the contents of their personal folders with other students.


Administrators can define disk space limitations for each user.

Additional Comments:

There are numerous tools that support file exchange in Sakai. Some of these include:

Dropbox which allows students and instructors to share files via upload or webdav capability on a site.
Dropbox offers email notification for new items and color coding for boxes with recent changes.

Resources tool supports single or multi-file upload of content to group dropboxes for file exchange.
Permissions can be set appropriately for groups at the folder level.

Assignments tool supports more traditional submission of text or uploaded assignments to instructors with gradebook integration

Files can also be shared with individuals or groups using the Blog tool, Wiki tool, Mailtool, Messages tool or JForum, allowing for peer review of shared work.

A collection of a user's work can also be shared in a number of the Sakai ePortfolio tools such as the Matrix, Wizard, and Portfolio tools.

In addition: * Sakai optionally allows students to create their own project sites and add fellow students to these sites. This effectively puts all of the Sakai tools (chat, threaded discussion, calendar, file sharing, etc) in the hands of student defined groups to use as they see fit in sharing files or pursuing collaborative activities.

Internal Email

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can use the built-in email functionality to email individuals or groups.


Students can use a searchable address book.


Instructors can email the entire class at once at a single address or alias.


Students can elect to forward their mail to an external address.

Additional Comments:

There are several Sakai tools that provide internal email capability.

The Messages tool allows users to send email either internally to a site members Messages box or externally to a recipient's email address. Messages can be sent to an individual, group of individuals or all individuals in a given role on a site. A wysiwig editor allows for text/html editing and senders may attach files to messages.

Mailtool allows users to send email to site members external email boxes. Messages can be sent to an individual, group of individuals or all individuals in a given role on a site. A copy of the message can be archived in the email archive tool. A wysiwig editor allows for text/html editing and senders may attach files to messages and sender's may request a copy sent to their external email account.

JForum supports private messaging. Users may choose to view messages internally or have them redirected to an external email account.

Each of the three options support message composition using an HTML editor with Spell check enabled, and multiple attachment handling.

Additionally, the Announcements and Wiki tools allow instructors to broadcast messages to a class or group of students in a class. Announcements are posted in the Announcements tool and are displayed in the home page of a site, and they can (selectively) be sent to the students' personal email, registered in the system.

Online Journal/Notes

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can attach notes to any page.


Students can combine their notes with the course content to create a printable study guide.

Additional Comments:

Students can create online journals using the Blogger tool in their personal workspace or in the context of a course. Blogger allows for the creation of an online webblog composed of text, links, uploaded files or documents contained within the sytem. Online journals or weblogs may be kept within a user's private space or shared with others in the system.

Students can also use the Wiki tool to create collaborative online journals and keep up-to-date notes on course content. RSS feed is supported in the Wiki tool, giving users the option to view changes to a wiki page without logging in.

The Resources tool in a user's personal workspace or course sites can also be used to create, store, and organize students' notes or online journals.

Real-time Chat

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


The chat tool supports a limited number of simultaneous rooms.


The chat tool supports unlimited simultaneous group discussions


Students can create new rooms.


Instructors may moderate chats and suspend students from the chat rooms.


The chat tool supports a structured way for students to ask questions and instructors to provide answers.


The system creates archive logs for all chat rooms.

Additional Comments:

* Instructors can create an unlimited number of new chat rooms or give students permission to do so. Multiple chat rooms may be used within a single site.
* The system clearly displays who is in the chat (a dot by the user's name in Users Present*), alerting site participants that others are in the chat with whom they can talk in real-time.
*Chat history may be preserved on the site or cleared at an instructor's discretion
*Instructor's may set up a room as the default to which all site participants are directed and later point the chat tool to a different room. (ie for setting up Office Hours, online advising etc)
*Fine grained permissions allow instructors to alter ability for students to participate in chat.


Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


The whiteboard supports image and PowerPoint uploading.


The whiteboard supports mathematical symbols.


The software supports graphing, polling, and instructor moderation.


The software supports group web browsing.


The software supports application desktop sharing.


The software can archive a recording of whiteboard sessions for future viewing.


The software supports two-way voice chat.

Additional Comments:

Agora is a real-time eCollaboration tool designed for use in Sakai. It offers tightly integrated features that support video conferencing, desktop sharing, whiteboard and instant messaging. Presentation management tools allow annotations, drawing canvas and whiteboard, resource sharing, scalable chat program, as well as a fully integrated web browser. (verify)

The Sakai CLE can also be integrated with Elluminate Live or Horizon Wimba and supports the functionality listed above when integrated. 


Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can share their bookmarks.


Students can create bookmarks in a private folder.


Students can bookmark any content material in a course.

Additional Comments:

Reviewer Comments
Bookmarking functionality is available in several tools. These include:
*JForum Discussion & Private Messaging tool
*The Web Content tool, which can be used to add bookmarks as tool buttons to any course site.
*The Resources tool, which allows bookmarks to be placed as resources.
*The Lessons tool, which supports bookmarks as part of any module.

Calendar/Progress Review

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors and students can post events in the online course calendar.


Instructors can post announcements to a course announcement page.


Students have a personal home page that lists all courses in which the student is enrolled, new email and all course and system-wide events from their personal calendar.


Students can view their grades on completed assignments, total points possible, course grade, and compare their grades against the class performance.


Students can subscribe to RSS feeds to be notified of changes to materials.

Additional Comments:
Calendaring/Progress Review functionality

* Users each have a personal workspace home page that provides a calendar summary of upcoming activities, deadlines, events, etc in any of their group sites
* Users can create new items on the calendar in their personal workspace and import events from calendars in Microsoft outlook, Meetingmaker, or as a generic csv file
* Instructors and students can post events in the online course calendar.
* Instructors can send progress reports via the Calendar or Announcements tools.
* Students can view their grades on completed assignments, total points possible, course grade, and compare their grades against the class performance in the appropriate assessment tool.
* Students can subscribe to RSS feeds to be notified of changes to materials in the Wiki tool.
*ePortfolio tools such as the Matrix, Wizard, and Portfolios  allow users to submit material, receive feedback, assessment etc and see their progress at a glance.
*The Checklist tool allows users to track progress on formal and informal steps towards fulfillment of graduation or institutional requirements. 

Searching Within Course

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can search all course content.


Students can search all discussion threads.


Students can search chat or virtual classroom session recordings.

Additional Comments:
The Sakai Search tool, is a powerful tool that allows a Google-like search of all content in a Sakai instance. Anything that is a Sakai entity can be indexed and searched. This includes all Content placed in ContentHostingService which includes content in Resources, Attachments, Portfolio tools, rWiki, and all messages in Chat, Email, Announcements, and Messages. The search tool reads all MS Office type documents, PDF's, and extracts the first 2M of text from types that appear to be text based.
*The Wiki tool allows search across Wiki pages
* JForum Discussion & Private Messages includes search capability of topics and messages.
* The Help Tool includes search functionality of Help documentation included with the application.

Work Offline/Synchronize

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can compile and download the content for an entire course into a format that can be printed or stored locally.


Instructors can publish course content on a CD-ROM that can be linked to dynamically from within the online course or viewed offline.


Students can download course content and discussion group content with a PDA.

Additional Comments:

Some off-line functionality is provided in the Melete, Assignments, Gradebook and Wiki tools, as well as via the optional Solo tool.
* Instructors can download the content of lessons (Melete Lesson Builder) into a format that can be printed, stored, or edited locally using a web publishing tool.
* Instructors can download assignments with attachments in one simple click for off-line grading. A folder is created on the instructor's desktop with sub-folders for each student and their attachment submissions.
* Solo enables users to synchronize and work off-line with Announcements, Resources and Melete lessons.


Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can access context sensitive help for any tool.


The system includes online tutorials for students that help students learn how to use the system.

Additional Comments:

The Sakai CLE comes with context sensitive help enabled and a designated, searchable Help tool.



Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options: 


Instructors can assign students to groups.


The system can randomly create groups of a certain size or a set number of groups.


Students can self-select groups.


Each group can have its own discussion forum.


Each group can have its own chat or whiteboard.


Each group can be given group-specific assignments or activities.


Groups may be private or instructors can monitor groups.

Additional Comments:

There are a variety of ways of structuring group activities in the Sakai CLE. Through use of group providers, instructors can have students automatically assigned to sections. Alternatively, instructors or teaching assistants may create groups manually and give students the ability to sign up for groups or change groups to which they have been assigned. Group functionality includes the following:
* Groups can be facilitated by a designated individual in an instructor or TA role.
* Instructors can selectively release course content or activities to a group.
* Access to assignments can be group specific.
* Access to resources can be group specific
* Access to Discussion Forums can be to group specific. In discussion forums groups may be private or instructors can monitor groups.
* Access to Calendar items can be group specific
* Groups can be auto-provisioned or manually created
* Students can sign up for and change groups, if given appropriate permissions

Sakai also supports the ability to allow students and instructors to create project sites, enabling users to have a private site with a full set of site tools (email archive, forums, chat, resources, etc.) for group work and collaboration.

Community Networking

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can create online clubs, interest, and study groups at the system level.


Students from different courses can interact in system-wide chat rooms or discussion forums.

Additional Comments:

Sakai supports the ability to allow students, instructors, researchers, administrators, etc to create project sites for networking and collaboration.  Project sites provide a space for users to engage in various types of collaboration with a full set of tools (calendar, announcements, resources, discussion, email archive, group wiki pages, blogger, forums, chat, etc.) at their disposal for group work. Additionally, course and project sites can be made "joinable," allowing anyone with a userid in the system to become a member and connect with interest groups, peers or project collaborators.

Student Portfolios

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can create a personal home page in each course.


Students can use their personal home page to selectively display their course work.


Students can export their personal home page.

Additional Comments:

The Sakai CLE includes the full set of Open Source Portfolio (OSP) tools. Portfolio tools allow students to create rich, multi-media presentations of their work and share these with designated audiences inside and outside the system. Other tools allow faculty to build educational scaffolds to assist students in reflecting upon and presenting evidence of learning in relation to course, department, extracurricular or institutional standards, criteria or goals. A rich set of data artifacts and templates for collecting student artifacts and facilitating reflection upon them is included. Relatively new Goal Management and Reporting tools rounds out the arsenal, allowing anyone at an institution to define a set of goals, map goals to established criteria, and track student performance based on submission of assignments or other data artifacts associated with these goals. Reporting capability allows institutions to analyze progress and align pedagogical practices with organizational mission.



Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Administrators can allow guest access to all courses.


The system can authenticate against an external LDAP server.


The system can authenticate using the Kerberos protocol.


The system supports Shibboleth.


The system supports the Central Authentication Service (CAS).


The system can authenticate against IMAP, POP3 or secure NNTP.


Administrators can set up fail-through authentication against a secondary source (e.g. the system's own database) in the event that the primary source (e.g. LDAP server ) fails.


The system can support multiple organizational units and virtual hosts within a server configuration.

Additional Comments:

*Administrators can protect access to individual courses with a username and password.
*The system can authenticate against an external LDAP server or using the Kerberos protocol.
*Administrators can set up fail-through authentication against a secondary source (e.g. the system's own database) in the event that the primary source (e.g. LDAP server) fails.
*Single Sign On option is supported.
*User logins can be encrypted with the Secure Sockets Layer protocol.

Course Authorization

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


The system supports restricting access based on roles and roles can also be customized by the service provider.


Administrators can create an unlimited number of custom organizational units and roles with specific access privileges to course content and tools.


Administrators can distribute the permissions and roles across multiple institutions or departments hosted in the server environment.


Instructors or students may be assigned different roles in different courses.

Additional Comments:

Sakai is unique in its blending of public and private access to content in the system. Visitors to a Sakai instance may use Search capability on the Gateway site to search for course or project sites in the system. Site owners may choose to make a variety of different content on their site visible from this Gateway search, allowing them to give partial access to items such as announcements, resources, syllabus entries, etc. especially useful in the case of waitlisted students, students searching for information on a course, or collaborators who wish to share research results publicly without adding outsiders to their site.  Sites may also be made publicly joinable at the discretion of their owners. Joinable sites may be joined by anyone with a userid in the system. A rich authorization schema provides for unparelled levels of flexibility surrounding authorization to the course environment. The system can be configured to fully open sites or to limit site access based upon institutionally defined roles and configuration parameters as well as secondary authorization schemas.  Each institution may define a unique set of roles and permission structures that support the necessary configuration of that institution.

Registration Integration

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can add students to their courses manually or allow students to self-register.


Administrators can batch add students to the system using a delimited text file.


Administrators can transfer student information bidirectionally between the system and an SIS using delimited text files.


Administrators can transfer student information bidirectionally between the system and an SIS using IMS Enterprise Specification v1.1 XML files via web services.


The software supports data interchange with student information systems through an event-driven API.


The software supports integration with SCT Banner, SCT Luminis, Datatel, PeopleSoft 8 or customized integration with other SIS or portal systems.


The software is compliant with the IMS Enterprise Specification for Student Data.

Additional Comments:

There are several methods available for integration with an SIS system. The native course management api CM API provides a batch synchronization process that imports course management  data into the CLE from an institution's SIS system. It supports auto provisioning of enrollments, site memberships and section membership and allows course administrators to create sites as needed by assigning available rosters to a site. The CM API supports:
* Course management membership roles and/or enrollment statuses are converted to Sakai roles using a role resolver configuration file stored in the system directory
* Automatic assignment of TAs to sections reflected in SIS data  via Section tool
* Ability to search on student name and id via Sections tool
* Automatic management of sections & memberships for official registrants in courses via Sections tool
* Manual option of creating sections and memberships
* Student sign-up and switching of sections
* Course administrators to create sites as needed by assigning  available rosters to a site
* Instructors and/or TAs to create their own sites and sections at will

A light weight alternative is available for integration with student registration data. This mechanism offers batch creation of sites, users, enrollments and sections.

Registration Information is available from within the system via two tools: Roster and Profile.
The Roster tool provides a list of all users in a site, a link to an individual user's profile, a picture the user has made available to all users, and an official photo ID for use by the administrative users of the site.

The Profile tool allows a user to enter or choose to display public and personal information, including a university ID picture if available. The profile tool can have university provided or self-reported information about any user in the system. It can be edited, restricted/opened/hidden and can include personal images or institutionally provided images. The Profile tool now includes a new privacy management feature, which allows users to hide portions of their personal data contained in their profile.

Users who have logged into the system may search for another user's profile using this tool and may view any information another user has chosen to make public.

Hosted Services

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


The product provider offers a hosted solution.


The product provider offers only a hosted solution.


Hosting and support services from Commercial Affiliates.

Additional Comments:

The Sakai Commercial Affiliates offer a range of hosting and support options. For a listing of Commercial Affiliates, see the Sakai site or click here:


Test Types

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Multiple choice


Multiple answer






Jumbled sentence




Fill-in the blank


Short answer


Survey questions




Questions can contain other media elements (images, videos, audio)


Custom question types can be defined.

Additional Comments:

Automated Testing Management

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


The system can randomize the questions and answers.


Instructors can create self-assessments.


Instructors can set a time limit on a test.


Instructors can permit multiple attempts.


The students are allowed to review past attempts of a quiz.


The system supports a MathML editor for the inclusion of mathematical formulas in both questions and answers.


Instructors can specify whether correct results are shown as feedback


The system supports proctored tests.


The system supports Remote Quiz Protocol which allows questions to be rendered and scored externally to the system via standards-based web services.

Additional Comments:

Automated Testing Support

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can create personal test banks.


Instructors can create system wide test banks.


Questions can be imported from external test banks that support QTI.


The system provides test analysis data.

Additional Comments:

Instructors can import an assessment as a test or as a question pool. Additionally, instructors can create new tests and quizzes in MS Word and import using the import feature in the 2.4 version of the CLE.

Online Marking Tools

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can choose to mark each student on all questions or to mark each question on all students.


Instructors can choose to evaluate student responses anonymously.


Instructors can enable students to rate and comment on submissions of other students.

Additional Comments:

Online Gradebook

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


When an instructor adds an assignment to the course, the software automatically adds it to the gradebook.


Instructors can add grades for offline assignments.


Instructors can add details to the gradebook in custom columns.


Instructors can export the scores in the gradebook to an external spreadsheet.


Instructors can create a course grading scale that can employ either percents, letter grades, or pass/fail metrics.

Additional Comments:

Course Management

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can selectively release assignments, assessments, and announcements based on specific start and stop dates.


Instructors can release materials based on a single criteria (date, grade, etc.) or instructors can use Boolean expressions to identify multiple selective release criteria.


Instructors can set up specific course content that is released on a specific date and must be completed by students before they continue with the course.


Instructors can link discussions to specific dates or course events.


Instructors can personalize access to specific course materials based on group membership.


Instructors can personalize access to specific course materials based on previous course activity.


Instructors can personalize access to specific course materials based on student performance.

Additional Comments:

Instructors can release learning sequences or materials based on start dates (Lesson Builder tool AND Resources tool). Conditional release of material based on pre-defined criteria such as student performance in another tools is coming with the CLE 2.6 release.

Student Tracking

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can track the frequency and duration of student access to individual course components.


Instructors can get reports showing the time and date and frequency students as an aggregated group accessed course content.


Instructors can get reports showing the number of times, time, date, frequency and IP address of each student who accessed course content, discussion forums, course assessments, and assignments.


Instructors can review the navigation record of each student.


Usage statistics can be aggregated across courses or across the institution.

Additional Comments:

The Sakai CLE includes a Site Statistics tool used to collect and display statistical data about the class as a whole or about student activity within the class. Instructors can review this from a tool on the course home page. As yet, there are no tools for generating reports from this data but this capability is underway in the community for a future release.


Accessibility Compliance

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


The product provider self-reports that the software complies with Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act.


The product provider self-reports that the software complies with the WAI WCAG 1.0 Level A guidelines.


The product provider self-reports that the software complies with the WAI WCAG 1.0 AA guidelines.


The product provider self-reports that the software complies with the WAI WCAG 1.0 AAA guidelines.

Additional Comments:

All core components of the Sakai application are reviewed for accessibility standing. The latest results can be found here: 

Content Sharing/Reuse

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can share content with other instructors and students through a central learning objects repository.


The repository can be system-wide or for individual organizational units.


Tools are available to enable version tracking and linking to specific versions as well as the creation and management of workflows for collaborative content creation and review.


The repository supports IEEE LOM and metadata application profiles such as, Dublin Core, Cancore, and custom profiles.


For any content in the repository, users can view reports displaying every course in the system that is currently using the selected item.

Additional Comments:

Material can be imported or copied from one course site to another upon site creation. Material in the content repository of a site can be accessed across the system by any user who is a member of the site and has permission to "read" the content. Addionally, each user has a personal workspace, which can be used to store and/or distribute materials across the entire system. Materials from this workspace can be imported into any course or project site. This allows each instructor or student to maintain their own local space which is accessible only to themselves but can be used to copy material into various project and course sites or move material around as needed.

Course Templates

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


The software provides support for template-based course creation.


The system provides course design wizards that provide step-by-step guides that take faculty and course designers through the completion of common course tasks, such as setting up the course homepage, syllabus, organizer pages, content modules, discussion.


Course content may be uploaded through WebDAV.


Course templates may contain selective release criteria and custom gradebook columns that persist with each new course instance.


The system allows administrators to use an existing course or a pre-defined template as a basis for a new course.

Additional Comments:

The CLE allows instructors or their designees to re-user material from existing sites. Material can be selected on a per tool basis, enabling an instructor to migrate assignments in one site, dicussion topics in another and a syllabus from a third if so desired.

Customized Look and Feel

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


The system provides default course look and feel templates.


Instructors can change the navigation icons and color schemes for a course.


Instructors can change the order and name of menu items for a course.


Institutions can create their own look and feel templates across the entire system, including their own institutional logos, headers, and footers.


The system can support multiple institutions, departments, schools or other organizational units on a single installation where each unit can apply its own look and feel templates as well as institutional images, headers and footers.


Additional Comments:

Instructors can change the skin and color schemes for a course, provided that more skins have been installed in the system. Many custom course skins have been developed by the Sakai community and are available as a free download. Edia has recently contributed a skin manager tool which allows for greater customization and management of skins in an instance of Sakai.

Instructional Design Tools

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can organize learning objects, course tools, and content into learning sequences that are reusable.


Instructors can create linear learning sequences organized hierarchically by course, lesson, and topic.


Instructors can reuse courses as templates for future lessons.

Additional Comments:

Instructional design capability is currently handled via the Lesson Builder tool, a tool that allows users to create learning sequences. Lessons can be released automatically based on start and stop dates. Lessons can be archived and moved from one site to another or exported using IMS Content Packaging.

Instructional Standards Compliance

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:




IMS Content Packaging 1.1.3


IMS Content Packaging 1.1.4


IMS QTI 1.2.1




IMS Enterprise 1.1


IMS Metadata 1.2.2


IMS Metadata 1.3


Microsoft LRN






Additional Comments:

* IMS Common Cartridge - Sakai supports import of Common Cartridge materials.

* IMS Tool Interoperability - Sakai has a contributed tool (University of Michigan) supporting the IMS Tool Interoperability Specification.

* Sakai supports SCORM 1.3 using a SCORM loader and SCORM player from the contributed library.

* The Melete Lesson Builder supports IMS CP.

* The Tests & Quizzes tool supports IMS QTI.


Client Browser Required

Product has this feature?

Additional Comments:

The software supports: Internet Explorer 5.5+, Netscape 7.1+, Mozilla Firefox for Windows, and Netscape 7.1+ or Mozilla Firefox on the Apple OS. Some functions in Sakai will not work well or will not work at all in Safari or Internet Explorer for the Mac. Javascript must be enabled.

Database Requirements
Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


The system supports Oracle.


The system supports MySQL.


The application requires only one database and can coexist with tables from other applications.

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UNIX Server

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


A Unix version is available.


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Windows Server

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


A Windows version is available.


Additional Comments:


Company Profile

Sakai Community Profile 

Additional Comments:

The Sakai Foundation is a member supported non-profit corporation with a small staff and modest budget. While membership in the Foundation is optional, over 100 organizations around the world support the foundation so that it can continue its important community activities. These include managing the intellectual property of Sakai, organizing conferences and planning meetings, maintaining the Sakai technology infrastructure including the bug tracking system and project wiki, coordinating development activities and quality assurance, publishing the Sakai CLE releases and functioning as a public advocate for Sakai.

The Sakai community draws on the contributions of many organizations and individuals around the world. The Sakai community is responsible for all aspects of evolving the Sakai CLE. No one is closer to the needs of users than the teams designing and developing Sakai. The Sakai CLE is truly designed by higher education, for higher education. Members of the Sakai community believe this community-driven development model will inevitably lead to the best product for use on campus. Whether large or small, institutions may also opt to work with Sakai commercial partners which offer hosting, development and support options.

Costs / Licensing

Sakai is distributed free of charge and is licensed under the Educational Community License (ECL) version 1.0.

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Open Source
Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


The software is distributed under one of the OSI-approved licenses.

Additional Comments:

Sakai is distributed as free and open source software under the Educational Community License (ECL) version 1.0. Access to this code is extremely valuable to those who want to customize their on-campus instance or wish to develop innovative new tools; however, open source code is important to the entire Sakai community. The ability to make that one change to the code for your campus can be crucially important and that change can be added to the Sakai code base, removing the need for customization as you upgrade. And the source code serves as the ultimate insurance policy, as you aren't locked into a single vendor.

Optional Extras

List Here:

Customizability, flexibility and control.

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