Gallery Installation Instructions

The Gallery Tool was designed and built to be a standard Sakai tool. These instructions explain how to add it to an existing Sakai installation.

Building the Tool

The current version of the Gallery Tool was built against version 2.3.0. Although it has not been tested yet, it is also presumed to work against 2.3.1.

Maven Setup

The Gallery Tool uses Reasonable Server Faces (RSF). RSF is in the process of being added to Sakai for release 2.4 at the time of this writing. The Gallery Tool may build and deploy against the Sakai Maven repository. If not, edit your file to add two more repositories:


Download the Code

Download the code using subversion from to your Sakai source directory.

Build and Deploy

The gallery tool is setup to build and deploy using Maven 1.02. Set your current directory to SAKAI/gallery and run "maven sakai:clean_build_deploy".

The code should build without error and deploy to your tomcat instance (depending on the maven.tomcat.home property in

Adding the Gallery Tool to a Sakai Installation

The Gallery Tool should be available in the Sites or Worksite Setup tools. Since the current version of the Gallery Tool requires the Resources Tool to create image collections, be sure to include the Resources Tool in any site that you include the Gallery Tool.

The first time the Gallery Tool is visited, a Gallery Tool Collections folder will be created. Thereafter, all collections to be viewed using the Gallery Tool should be created in this folder using the Resources tool. Images may be uploaded and added to a collection folder. The following kinds of images may be included at this time:


Image Type


Microsoft BMP file


Compuserve GIF file


Standard JPEG file


Apple PICT file


Portable Network Graphics file


Tagged Image File Format file

Configuring the Gallery Tool

The following configuration parameters may be edited when the tool is added to a site using either the Site or Worksite Setup tools:

Parameter Name

Default Value



Set this value to false if you want the thumbnail images to be fixed 100x100 pixels.



Set this value for time in seconds for auto-sequenced slide delay.



Add or remove image MIME types to be supported.

Note that video files are not recommended or supported at this time. Resources of types other than those specified here will be filtered out of a collection. This can be useful if other materials should be associated, but not displayed as part of a collection.

Skinning Notes

In general, the Gallery Tool uses standard Sakai tool styles where applicable. In some cases, styles are included in the RSF template files located in "gallery/src/webapp/content". Two templates are included in this verison: main.html and sequence.html.

Internationalization Notes

All strings have been moved to a properties bundle ( This file can be used to translate tool strings to other langauges.

Note that the setup help view uses an image included in "gallery/src/webapp/content/resources.gif. This is a screen grab of the Resources tool that can be replaced with another GIF in an appropriate language. Not support is provided at this time for selecting this image on a locale basis.