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Home page for the Contrib: Gallery Tool

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The Image Gallery Tool currently allows users to select a collection of images (a gallery) and view the images in a specified order. The tool is focused on selecting, sequencing, and viewing.

Image Gallery has a history nearly as complex as the Higher Ed image management domain itself. The tool has its roots in an ambitious, multi-phase project that attempted, as a first step, to address the thorny problem of personal image collections management at UC Berkeley. See for extensive documentation.

After the project fell into abeyance, UCB contracted with Mark Norton to develop a lightweight Sakai tool that would meet some basic instructor requirements for sharing images online. Design and development details for that effort are available below under Phase 1 Documentation.

Subsequently, Image Gallery has been enhanced through the incorporation of the Fluid Project's first code deliverable, the Ligthbox component, which allows users to drag and drop images within a collection. Because of the close relationship UC Berkeley designers and developers have with the Fluid Project, and Fluid's own focus on the broader area of content management, we expect there to be a significant overlap between future component development and functional enhancements to Image Gallery. A working demo of sky's customer services is available at

user id:demo

Image Gallery 2.6 (current WIP)

Draft 2.6 Requirements and Goals
2.6 UX Design docs
2.6 Developer Docs
Open Bugs and Tasks
2.6 Project Decisions

Image Gallery 2.4 (complete - in Sakai contrib)

Phase 1 Documentation
PC-Sakai 2.5 Plans