System Settings

Setting name


"Lecturer allowed to create evaluationss"

This allows people other than the Sakai administrator to create surveys. If this is not ticked, even if permissions have been changed in realms to allow course admins and maintainers to create surveys, they will not see the option to create surveys. Note that if this is not ticked, non-administrators will not see either the 'create new questionnaire' or the 'start new survey' options

"Lecturer allowed to email students"

UI for functionality not yet designed / implemented. Intended to allow extra emails to be sent out to groups that you were surveying - e.g. to send out some extra information, give feedback after having completed the survey etc. Within CamTools, this functionality would duplicate the Announcements and Mailtools.

"Lecturer allowed to view results"

This allows other teaching staff members in the CamTools sites to which the survey was assigned to see the survey results. They will see the survey appear on their My Surveys dashboard, and can then view the results. Alternatively, the URL of the results could be emailed round by the person who ran the survey. If this is marked 'configurable', an option "Lecturers in the courses to which this survey is assigned" will appear when the user is creating their survey. If this is marked 'yes', the "lecturers in the courses to which this survey is assigned" will appear automatically ticked when the user is creating their survey.

Lecturer must use evaluations from above in the hierarchy

This was intended to allow lecturers to opt in or out (as applicable) of surveys run by the University or their Faculty. For example, the University would run a survey, and the lecturers teaching the courses it was assigned to would receive a mail inviting them either to opt in or opt out. However, the functionality does not currently exist to allow people to opt in or out via a link in the email.

Lecturer may add this number of questions to evaluations from above in the hierarchy before the release date

This is an extension of the functionality above - lecturers may opt in to a University-wide survey and, in addition, add in a certain number of questions. Again, the functionality does not currently exist. 

Respondents may leave questions unanswered

This setting controls whether or not respondents may leave questions (other than the free-text questions unanswered), or whether they must select an option for all of the questions. Choosing 'configurable' means that the user will see an option "Allow questions to be left unanswered" when they create surveys.

Respondents may edit their responses up to the due date

This setting controls whether or not respondents can return to the survey and change their responses up until the closing date. Choosing 'configurable' means that the user will see an option "Respondents may change their answers" when they create surveys.

Respondents allowed to view results


Do they see it via a link in their email? Don't seem to see it in a link on My Surveys!

This setting controls whether or not respondents

Choosing 'configurable' means that the user will see an option "Students in the course that this is giving feedback on" when they create surveys.

Admins below the hierarchy level of the owner may add this number of questions to the evaluation before the release date

This only applies when the hierarchy service is running. The concept is that a University might have a number of hierarchical levels, each of which has an administrator. This would allow an administrator at Faculty level, say, to add questions to a survey created at School level.

Admins allowed to view instructor-added question results

If lecturers were able to add in their own questions to a survey (dependent on setting above), selecting this option would allow the administrators above them in the hierarchy to see the results of the questions they asked. Note that at present, lecturers cannot add  their own questions.

Admins allowed to view results from items added below them in the hierarchy

Selecting this would allow administrators to see the results of the questions asked by administrators below them in the hierarchy.

Use Hierarchy menus, options, and data in the system

This switches on the hierarchy options. However, I am not sure this currently works!

Display hierarchy node headers on the take eval and preview eval views

This will suppress or display the titles of each hierarchy level which items in an evaluation are part of, if this is off then the display to the user will be seamless and they will not know what level each item is from, if it is on then they will see the level title (e.g. Department of math) displayed for each set

Helpdesk email address (email messages appear to come from this email address by default)

This is the default email address for sending email from the system.

Number of responses required before results can be viewed

This controls how many people have to respond to allow the 'view results' link to appear after the survey has been completed.

'Not Applicable' option allowed when creating questions

Pretty obvious - controls whether users can allow their users to answer 'Not applicable' for individual questions

Maximum number of questions in a question block

This is simply the maximum number of questions that can be grouped into a question block.

Template sharing and visibility setting

This setting is currently only applicable to super-admins. If this is 'configurable', super-admins can opt to make their own templates visible to all other users.

All questions default to course category only (lecturer category not allowed)

This functionality is intended to control whether a question refers to the course, and so should appear only once in the questionnaire, or refers to a lecturer / supervisor, and so should automatically be asked as many times as there are supervisors / lecturers teaching the course, with the name of the supervisor / lecturer beside it.

Show the sites summary box on the main screen

This shows the list of what sites a person can survey, or which sites can survey them, on the dashboard

Enable the use of a category key for grouping when setting up evaluations

Displays the 'evaluation category' text input field when user it creating surveys. This is designed to allow students to view all the evaluations with the same category from one page.

Allow responses and evaluations with responses to be removed

This allows evaluations that already have responses to be deleted by the users

Use dates and times for evaluations, otherwise use dates only

If this is ticked, the users have the option of setting the time at which a survey will open and close. If no time is set, a survey opens at 00.01 of the appropriate day, and closes at 23.59 of the appropriate day.

Use stop date for evaluations

If this is ticked, the users will have the option of choosing an 'extension' date after the official closing date until which the students can continue to reply to surveys.

Use view date for evaluations, otherwise just use the due date

If this is ticked, users can set a date when they can see the results which is different to the date at which the survey closes.

Use same view date for all users (or use separate dates for students, instructors, admins)

If this is ticked, and results sharing with students and lecturers is also allowed, the user can allow their students and fellow lecturers to view the results from a certain date onwards.

Allow use of adhoc groups

This will allow users to create adhoc groups of users which they can then assign evaluations to. These groups may be reused and may contain adhox users or existing users

Allow use of adhoc users

This will allow users to create adhoc users using an email address. If this is off then users can only add existing users to their adhoc groups. Adhoc users cannot login to the system as they have no passwords so adhoc users should only be used with anonymous evaluations.

Use expert created templates


Use expert created questions

Controls whether the 'expert / suggested questions' (i.e. questions that are suggested by experienced evaluators as being well phrased ) appear as options that people can add into their survey,.

Number of days old can a survey be and still be recently closed

Controls how long surveys stay on the dashboard for, in the 'my current surveys' box

Minimum time difference (in hours) between start date and due date of an evaluation

Sets the minimum time period a survey can run for, I,e, the difference between the start and the closing date of an evaluation.

Institution Specific Settings:


Enable option to flag specific items in evaluations for database export and sharing (UMD)

A University of Maryland setting. Ticking this allows an option 'Results sharing: Public / Private' to appear when the user is creating their questionnaire. Selecting 'public' will then flag an item in the database.

Enable importing options and controls (UM)

A University of Michigan setting. Ticking this allows an option 'Import Data' on the Systems Settings page. Evaluation objects may be created by importing tagged files. Currently in the CT-623 branch.

Control reporting

This settings are listed under the 'control reporting' page, linked to from the 'control reporting' page from the 'system settings' page.

Enabled CSV Export

Allows users to export their results as a CSV file

Enabled Excel Export

Allows uses to export their results as an Excel file.

Enabled PDF Export

Allows users to export their results as a PDF report, suitable for printing out and passing round the Faculty. 

Include Banner Image on PDF

This controls whether or not an image (e.g. the University logo) will appear at the top of each PDF report.

Resources path to image

The URL of the image to be displayed.Â