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SAMigo Features (as of 2.3)

(listed by component or by action)


  • Online tests/quizzes, homework questions, problem sets, self-study questions, compositions, projects, language drills, and surveys are all types of assessments that can be managed by SAMigo.
  • Assessments are made up of an assessment header and assessment parts, each of which contains a part header and one or more questions.
  • After an assessment is submitted by an assessment taker, it also may have a total score and grader comment for each submission.
  • Assessments, as viewed by the student, may consist of a single question, a set of questions, or a multi-part assessment.
  • Assessments may have associated metadata: name, creator, authors, description, keywords, objectives.
  • An assessment can be published via publishing variables at different and/or multiple times.
  • An assessment can be saved without being published in the "Core Assessment" library. Assessments can be created, edited or retracted by instructors.
  • The assessment header is edited with a rich text WYSIWYG editor. The header may contain rich text, HTML, links to URLs, and file and image uploads.*
  • Assessments can be exported in a QTI-compliant file or imported from such a file to create a new assessment.
  • Published Assessments are configured by various settings which determine their display and distribution features.
  • Foreign languages (European, Asian, Semitic) are can be used in authoring, responding to, and evaluating assessments.
  • Instructors can attach files to an assessment. (2.3)


  • An assessment can be organized into parts.
  • Parts are made up of a part header and questions.
  • After a part is submitted by an assessment taker, it also may have a part comment for each submission.
  • Sections may have associated data and metadata: name, description, keywords and objectives.
  • The part header is edited with a rich text WYSIWYG editor. The header may contain rich text, HTML, links to URLs, and file and image uploads.*
  • Parts can be created, edited, reordered, removed.
  • Questions in a part may be displayed in a defined order or randomly ordered for each user
  • Parts may contain a set of questions randomly drawn from specified question pools.
  • Instructors can attach files to a part. (2.3)


  • Question types include: Multiple Choice, True False, Survey, Short Answer/Essay, File Upload, Fill-in-the-blank, Matching, Audio Recording, and Numeric Response(2.3).
  • Multiple choice questions may be multiple correct or single correct, with rationale or without rationale.
  • Fill-in-the-blank, and matching questions may have unlimited selections available.
  • Questions with multiple selections may have selections randomly displayed to each user.
  • Questions may have associated metadata: title, description, keywords, objectives.
  • Question components include question text, correct response(s), question-level feedback, selection-level feedback for some question types (i.e., multiple choice) and a maximum numerical decimal score value.
  • After a question is answered, it also may have a response, a submission score, and grader comment for each submission.
  • Questions with selections may be automatically scored. The maximum numerical decimal score value for questions is assigned to submitted questions that are correct.
  • Question components are edited with a rich text WYSIWYG editor. Question components may contain rich text, HTML, links to URLs, and file and image uploads.*
  • Questions may be saved in question pools.
  • Questions can be reordered and/or assigned to other assessment parts.
  • Instructors can attach files to a question. (2.3)

Assessment Types (formerly known as Templates)

  • Assessment Types are comprised of a set of default values and sub-selection of the assessment settings for a particular kind of assessment.
  • Assessments are created from an assessment type.
  • Assessment types specify whether instructor can view/edit assessment variables, metadata, and data. Hiding variables is done in order to simplify assessment authoring tasks.
  • Assessment types can be created and modified by users, typically instructional designers or support staff.
  • Assessment types may have associated metadata: title, description, author(s)

Question Pools

  • Question pools are a repository of questions that can be used to store and organize questions.
  • A question pool can contain questions and sub-pools. (Sub-pools can also contain questions and sub-pools.)
  • A question can be a member of multiple sub-pools.
  • Edits to a question are reflected in all instances of it in all sub-pools of a question pool.
  • A question pool or sub-pools has metadata: name, description,. creator, objectives, keywords.
  • Question pools and sub-pools can be created, deleted, copied, and moved into another pool.
  • Questions in a pool can be added to an assessment.
  • Questions can be authored within question pools.

(listed by component or by action)


  • There are assessment, part, question, pool and assessment type editors.
  • Editors are accessed from lists of the item to be edited. All editors have simple-to-use data entry pages organized by function.
  • All editors make use of a common WYSIWYG editor that supports rich text, HTML, images and file uploads, and URL links.*
  • Metadata can be entered, edited, and deleted for all images, audio recordings, file uploads, and URL's added with the WYSIWYG editor.
  • Questions can be previewed directly in the assessment editor.
  • Authorization to create, edit or remove assessments (and their parts and questions) or question pools is by password and role.


  • Students can view a list of all published assessments for which they have access.
  • When students select an assessment from the list of published assessments they go to an information page for the assessment which allows them to see how many submissions are allowed and any time limits that exist. After reviewing this information, students can elect to begin the assessment.
  • Students view questions, provide responses, and view feedback based upon the assessment's published assessment variables (see below).
  • After the last question, a student can explicitly submit the assessment for grading, or save the assessment and return later.
  • When an assessment is submitted, each submitter receives a receipt with the time of submission and a unique confirmation number.
  • Authorization to take assessments and submit responses is by password and role.
  • Students can view file attachments at the assessment, part and question level. (2.3)

Scoring and Evaluating Assessments

  • These are web pages for graders to enter/view scores and comments:

- for responses to each question by all students,
- for all questions from an individual student,
- for adjusting final scores and writing general comments for an assessment
- for displaying aggregate statistics for all questions in an assessment.

  • Evaluation components may include scores, question comments, part comments, and general assessment comments.
  • All comments are entered using the common WYSIWYG editor that supports rich text, HTML, images and file uploads, and URL links.
  • Authorization to score or view submitted responses and scores is by password and role.
  • Student submissions of files can be downloaded from the grading page; marked
    up/graded student work can be uploaded at the same grading page.
  • Graders can view responses and scores for all submissions and for the last submission.
  • Statistcs for each question include mean score, medial, mode, range, quartiles, S.D., total possible points, and number of students who have submitted responses.
  • Instructor can bulk download all file upload answers in a zip file. (2.3)
  • Instructor can view short answers or rationales in a popup window, or full text in-line. (2.3)
  • Added paging and search functions. (2.3)

Published Assessment Variables


  • Published Assessment variables may be set in either the Assessment Type editor or in the Assessment Editor.
  • Published variables may be hidden in the Assessment Editor, based upon its assessment type values.

Display Variables for Published Assessments

  • Assessments may be delivered on a single web page, with one part per web page, or with one question per web page.
  • Assessments may allow users to have random access to questions or be limited to sequential access with no return to earlier questions.
  • Assessment may have a Table of Contents with links to each question that can be accessed from any point in the assessment. If the Table of Contents is displayed then it lists whether the question currently has a response.
  • Assessment takers may mark questions for review to return to them later. Marked questions are identified on the Table of Contents page.
  • Question number sequencing may be restarted at each part; or all questions in an assessment may be sequentially numbered disregarding part boundaries.
  • Timed Assessments may have a clock displayed showing how much time is left before assessment is due.
  • Background graphics and color may be specified for an assessment.

Access Variables for Published Assessments

  • An assessment may be published to a course site or to anonymous users via an assessment URL.
  • Assessments may have independently specified dates for publishing (release to students), retraction, due dates, and release of feedback.
  • Assessments may be timed.
  • Assessments may have secondary login and password in addition to that required for access to the general system.
  • Assessments may have IP address restrictions allowing only specified addresses access to a published assessment.

Submission Variables for Published Assessments

  • The number of assessment submissions allowed for each student may be specified or unlimited submissions may be allowed.
  • Late submissions may be rejected or may be tagged as late during scoring.
  • A message may be delivered to students upon submissiOn of an assessment
    Feedback Variables for Published Assessments
  • Predefined feedback may be added to questions at either the question or the selection (for multiple choice and matching) level.
  • Comments by a grader at question, part, and or assessment level may be displayed to students.
  • Predefined feedback and scores may be presented to the student during the assessment-taking session or at a specified time.
  • Predefined feedback, scores and grader comments may be made avail to all students at a specified date/time.
  • Aggregate statistics for assessment takers may be made available to students.

Grading Variables for Published Assessments

  • Manual grading may be specified to occur with submitters' names listed or with submissions listed anonymously.
  • Scores for a published assessment may be transferred to the gradebook.
  • If multiple submissions are allowed, then either the final or the average score may be transferred to the gradebook.

*The rich-text/WYSIWYG editor called FCKeditor must be used for image and file uploads.

  • No labels